
Page reloading problem on Safari


About a month ago when playing on my imac using Safari, my games are frequently interrupted when the game first slows down and then often stops before the page is reloaded. I get a message saying "This webpage was reloaded because it was using significant memory". Any thoughts on how to fix this?


We have some new code coming very soon that should fix this. 


New code released about an hour ago for this. Do you notice any difference?


I think the issue remains. By habit I am reloading the page before I get the message but it is apparent that the interface starts crawling after 1-2 minutes of game play (I play 3 minute blitz games).


Still seeing similar behavior with Safari 11.0.1   Very poor user experience now with on Safari.  


Same problem here. Site becomes ridiculously slow, have to refresh it 100 times in a 3 minute game. Just extremely bad playing experience.


Can you try again on monday and let me know if you see a difference?


This is just EXTREMELY annoying. Every second game there is a problem with connectivity. Absolutely unacceptable.


I don't play on-line chess, but I've had the page reloading problem while composing posts in the forums. Quite frustrating to have three paragraphs written and then erased when the page reloads.

This hadn't happened in a few weeks, but yesterday it happened again. Today I did a long post without a problem, so it does seem to be intermittent--the worst kind of problem when you're trying to diagnose it.


I am getting "Too many refresh - come back in 2 Minutes now after I play 3-4 games.  Very disappointing.  That and the lag and the "New login detected"  And I get kicked off - I know My phone and iPad are no longer logged in.


jpdekervor wrote:

I am getting "Too many refresh - come back in 2 Minutes now after I play 3-4 games.  Very disappointing.  That and the lag and the "New login detected"  And I get kicked off - I know My phone and iPad are no longer logged in.



Are you using Safari by chance? For some reason it seems to have this issue a lot and its not clear why. Perhaps you could give chrome a try? That should help while we figure out Safari. 


I get a very slow response playing on MacBook Pro, using Safari 11.0.2 with Mac OS 10.13.22.  Safari keeps reloading the page and reports "the page has been reloaded because it uses too much memory".  I'm on strong wifi, getting 350Gbps download speed.


It even stutters as I drag the pieces on the board (with my trackpad)!!!


I've experienced this problem in past, but just irritating. Now it has gotten worse, can't really play games on MacBook due to frequency of reloading, stuttering, etc. I also have very strong wifi so that is not the issue


Hello, I'm having this problem consistently on Mac using Chrome. Over the past weeks I have been almost unable to play any live games. No problems with TT use, just live. I also get the too many refreshes notification, after which it seems to work reluctantly, but the problem recurs frequently, often several times a day... Any solution?


Can you try an incognito window and see if that makes a difference? That would be helpful information. 




This is happening because a new update is coming so they have increased the loading time so that the test of new update should be done and but there is an alternative download Quickbooks Tech Support plugins to your safari the problem will be solved.


Over 6 years later they still haven’t bothered to fix this