
How to REALLY get a title?


Yes, I know lots of people ask this question but they say 2200+- FIDE is required. BUT in South Africa there are lots of people with 1200 ratings that have CM and I don't know why. So I wan't CM but I don't know how exactly. Maybe they play overseas or something. Can someone maybe give a solution to the puzzle?

ExtremeEnergy360 wrote:

Yes, I know lots of people ask this question but they say 2200+- FIDE is required. BUT in South Africa there are lots of people with 1200 ratings that have CM and I don't know why. So I wan't CM but I don't know how exactly. Maybe they play overseas or something. Can someone maybe give a solution to the puzzle?

you need to go overseas


Oh, ok I see. 


Thanks for review


How do you know hey have 1200 ratings? Because of their rating?


You need 2200 or more for CM....



to see all the 1200 CMs





The CM's are juniors who have represented South Africa in international events. Some of these events ie. the Africa Champs grants the winner the title of CM. However because these are international events the players chessa ratings remain unaffected. That is also why we see such disparity in the FIDE and Chessa ratings ie. GMSmit who has I think 250 difference between your FIDE and Chessa ratings. 


@EE360 just keep working like you are doing and next year you can qualify and win some international tournaments then you can also be a patzer with a title :-)



Hi , i have a question, when you want to become a CM or a FM do you need to get norms and if so what are norms ??