



What does it mean exactly to have a "Follower"?

And can you see who they are?



A "follower" gets notification on things you post, etc.  I believe.  I dont think you can see who is following you.


Thanks, Diakonia for this info, and also your post on my Philidor Defence question happy.png

ed1975 wrote:

Thanks, Diakonia for this info, and also your post on my Philidor Defence question

Glad to help!


It means they are stalking

Bilbo21 wrote:

It means they are stalking

Yes, internet is a nice habitat for stalkers.

Be careful.


tell the followers youve dropped a ten pound note and could any of them return it , the number of followers falls after lol


I have a few followers and really strange why it shouldn't be possible to know who they are. Isn't this a common feature in the social media nowadays?


Also I wonder what I can do to get rid of them. I don't want people to stalk me.

Maybe blocking and unblocking of likely follower could drop them from my followers list.

Any experience on that?


It seems like it's pretty harmless to have people following you here, and pretty pointless if you're not publishing articles or authoring forum posts; and if you are, aren't you doing so in order to have your voice heard by whoever comes across it?  They only have access to information that you put out there -- nothing more.  It's pretty easy to maintain anonymity here.

I, for one, would actually like it better if that, by following someone, you were also alerted to comments they make in forums that they didn't author.  There are a few people here whose comments i especially enjoy, and it would be nice not to miss out on any of them.

I agree that it's odd that i don't know who two of the people who follow me are (the two who aren't my 'friends') -- i guess i try to take it as a compliment.  Or maybe they follow me because they think i'm a dumbass -- who knows?  In fact, i set up a Twitter account for that exact purpose -- i'm looking at you, Mr. President.  

When it comes to stalking, i'm much more afraid of and creeped out by venues like Facebook, which is why i don't have an account there...But i sure wish i owned some of their stock, because, man, it seems like i'm one of only a very small few who aren't on there.




Having followers means people have chosen to subscribe to your updates, content, or activities. They show interest and support, often engaging with your content. Followers can help build a community, provide feedback, and indicate your influence and reach. this will help you to increase followers.

How could I follow someone?