
Discord Nitro


Hello everyone, today I heard about the new discord bots and I also heard that if you beat one of them, you can get a free month of discord nitro. I beat Wumpus and I clicked claim free discord nitro and I confirmed my discord account. It then brought me to a different site and said that I got one month of nitro. It appeared I had to click next to redeem it so I did. It then brought me to a payment thing and I was confused because I thought it was free.Does this mean I have to pay for another month??? Someone please help me understand. Thank you!

SeikenG wrote:

Hello everyone, today I heard about the new discord bots and I also heard that if you beat one of them, you can get a free month of discord nitro. I beat Wumpus and I clicked claim free discord nitro and I confirmed my discord account. It then brought me to a different site and said that I got one month of nitro. It appeared I had to click next to redeem it so I did. It then brought me to a payment thing and I was confused because I thought it was free.Does this mean I have to pay for another month??? Someone please help me understand. Thank you!

My understanding is it's similar to a trial here. You sign up for the subscription, get a free amount, then if you don't cancel it will continue charging the payment method.



Basically, i beat wumpus, but it didnt show me the "claim your nitro" or stuff?? I tried again but it doesnt work for me, the claim nitro isnt appearing!!

Satori2468 wrote:


Basically, i beat wumpus, but it didnt show me the "claim your nitro" or stuff?? I tried again but it doesnt work for me, the claim nitro isnt appearing!!

If you're on Android, there's currently a bug and devs are working on fixing so the offer won't show. The fix should be in a new version of the app when ready.


Can i just cancel before it starts charging me?

Mwaams wrote:

Can i just cancel before it starts charging me?

That's a Discord question.


My situation is even worse. I just brutalized Wumpus in 19 moves, and switched the colors and told me that I lost the game,

In this game right here: was White, and Wumpus was Black. As you can see, Wumpus made so many bad moves in a row that I blew him apart. After the game, initially said I won. However, when I click on the Analysis or Game Review, it puts Wumpus with the White pieces and me with Black. And when I refreshed the page, it then switched to showing that Wumpus won with the White pieces!!!
If you see the games in my bio, you'll quickly realize that I was White in that game. Really stupid stuff. How do I report this glitch?


I would take the free nitro but i'm not risking forgetting to cancel it after a month.

I would take it but I don’t have a credit card :(

Hey for the people who don't have a credit card and want to claim discord nitro , I can try to help you guys message me here or on discord 42ca .


You shouldn't have to win anything for a free trial. This is an example of deceptive business practices.


I just beat all 3 bots, no free "month" trial offered.


This is what they say to do, and no Claim Discord Nitro button showed at the end of my games.

LeftoverCarcasses wrote:

This is what they say to do, and no Claim Discord Nitro button showed at the end of my games.

If you're on Android, you need to update your app.


I am on a desktop.

LeftoverCarcasses wrote:

I am on a desktop.

I just tested and don't see issues with the offer. Do you have any browser plugins that might be interfering? Maybe an ad blocker?


When I remove the ad blocker, I still get nothing.


Bruh, I already won 2 times in a row now even tho idek how to play chess. At the first victory, it said.. “It looks like you've had Nitro before. Sorry, promotions are for new subscribers only. You can give your link to a friend and send 1 month of free Nitro their way.” It felt unfair, I was so desperate for a nitro lol. So, I tried again just now. And I won ! I clicked the “Claim Free nitro” button and nothing appeared. LOL also, they didnt provide me any link for me to be able to send it to someone idk how and why



LeftoverCarcasses wrote:

When I remove the ad blocker, I still get nothing.

Maybe try clearing your browser cache?