
Can't close the new game window!


Recently I have been experiencing a problem in which if I click new game button on the pop-up window a new game starts with a pop-up of draw.... I can't even close the window and game just resigns. I have lost countless games due to this and has banned me for sportsmanship policy please help!!I can't even close this pop-up!


Same here. Looks like an update was pushed and no one tested. It won't close, when I click a new game, I get an automatic "Rematch" dialog that exhibits the same behavior. I click refresh and then I can play the next game, however, the "x" to close the window simply isn't working. Can't use the forward and back buttons to look at moves because that thing is in the way.

It's been happening for over a week. Hopefully they won't try and crowd source us for money to fix.


I've been having this issue for a while as well, every other clickable part of that dialog box works. Game Review, New match, Rematch, even the type of result, that all works. It's just the X in the top right doesn't function.

Strangely, on the occasion I'm able to click the X before the Game Analysis has completed/loaded, it DOES close the dialog box. Once the Game Analysis results come up, the dialog box expands slightly, and the X moves upward from where it was, so maybe that's got something to do with it.


Yeah I am getting the same issue. After a game the pop-up isnt able to be closed and i end up having to refresh the game and abort. Doesnt let me move pieces either. I just press the Pawn on top left and start a new game from there.


Same issue. This needs to be resolved. I can't analyze any of my games once it's over.


The new forms of the pages don't work properly. Really very difficul to use them, I can not see what I am looking for.

It is a same.


I am also having this issue. Have to refresh the page every time, annoying and lose precious seconds at the start of a game!


yeah, this is idiocy, how can such feature overlooked smh!!


same issue, some acknowledgment of the issue from would itself be welcome; let alone a fix


mesma coisa comigo - que chato isso


Still not working



