
Automatic Email signature: turning on/off



Is there a way of toggling an automatic Email signature on/off?

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It is nice to send Emails with this signature to friends. However sometimes I need to use a different self-created signature instead of the automatic one. Is it possible to do so? Thanks!

paul211 wrote:

You say e-mail, do you mean sending a message?

Yes, that's right. This signature is added to every e-mail sent from e-mail address. So I wonder if I could chose whether to add this signature or not.

I couldn't find how to change (or temporarily disable) it in my e-mail settings. I guess it is not possible. Or maybe I just couldn't find how to do it. So that's why I am asking it here. Thank you!


Sorry for bumping this thread, but I'm looking for the same solution.

Did you find out how to change your signature?


Also trying to figure it out

yaninabes wrote:

Sorry for bumping this thread, but I'm looking for the same solution.

Did you find out how to change your signature?

The site doesn't offer this anymore and hasn't for a very long time