
Arrows missing from analysis


After a game, going to the analysis board results in the analysis tab telling me if a move was best/excellent/good/etc but the "best" arrows have now disappeared. I have to click into "report" and then back into "analysis" and then they appear. Obviously a bug, was wondering if this was something my side to fix like cache/cookies or if anyone else had noticed it?


I got the same issue, always thought it was normal lol. Thats why I only use Lichess for analysis by now but if thats a bug, really should fix it it's been over two years now xD

freshman89 wrote:

I got the same issue, always thought it was normal lol. Thats why I only use Lichess for analysis by now but if thats a bug, really should fix it it's been over two years now xD

Best arrows are only available on the website if there's a Game Review ran on the game and only shows after the move is made.


Why have it in the app but not on the website, though? What's the motivation for not having feature parity?

Zeekar wrote:

Why have it in the app but not on the website, though? What's the motivation for not having feature parity?

There are quite a few differences between the app and website. They also have different dev teams.