
You left your knight on a square it can be taken, A stunning move!!


I blundered and put my knight on a square it can be taken.. since when blundering your knight is a stunning move? get yourself together stockfish really needs some adjustments..


What happens if he takes your knight? After 1...fxe5 2.Qh5+ g6 3.Qxg6+ how do you assess the position?


That's actually a brilliant move you just dont see it


The thing that impressed me was the complete lack of curiosity! Even after the engine tells him it's a great move, he doesn't even look one move ahead, just shrugs his shoulders and says "The engine must be defective"


If the knight is taken, it's a mate in 3. If the knight is NOT taken, White still has an insane advantage because Black's pieces are more congested than my left nostril when I'm sick.

But I guess Stockfish is broken. Time to patch things up and get it together.