
You have to check this out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you know 😏 most of people play e4and d4 but do you know that most of the Grandmasters play g2,f2 and why white plays first????????? Let me know your ideas 💡 Namaste 🙏

That is because black was considered good luck so they had to give white an advantage.


Namaste 🙏 In first,Chess is plenty of Ancient and wise asociations because is ancient legacy.The start of our world in many spiritual cultures is asociated to the light and shinning.White color only can be product of primal colors while black product of secondary colors.Devas in ancient India spiritual culture send light to our world in same way that Jewish Cabalah creation start from Ain soph to Kether region sending light descending to our material and coloring world.Our world is asociated to dark and matery ,and is secondary.The Divinal Beginning is always asociated to the number 1,the start or beginning,and the unborn.Our world in darknes is secondary. Sahasrara Chakra is asociated to spiritual place non material in similar way,and the sacred primordial ॐ as First creational sound can have a point of comparation with Jewish אין סוף Cabalistic concept. (Caballah is like Yoga for West to understund from our culture Eastern misteryes) Number 8 present on Chess is present in many Eastern temples includ the Templars Knight when them did absorb and learn East Wisdom.As I proved,chess is involved on quimical, physical and mathematical concetps from the point of start.

ivaanbisht wrote:
You have to check this out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you know 😏 most of people play e4and d4 but do you know that most of the Grandmasters play g2,f2 and why white plays first????????? Let me know your ideas 💡 Namaste 🙏

The pawns are already at g2 and f2 in the starting position. So no, I didn't know that GMs could even play it.

Remember, you asked me to check it out ...

sawdof wrote:
ivaanbisht wrote:
You have to check this out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you know 😏 most of people play e4and d4 but do you know that most of the Grandmasters play g2,f2 and why white plays first????????? Let me know your ideas 💡 Namaste 🙏

The pawns are already at g2 and f2 in the starting position. So no, I didn't know that GMs could even play it.

Remember, you asked me to check it out ...

Well, that's how far superior the GMs are compared us. They don't have to move the pawns to g2 and f2, they just know where they're supposed to be and get there quick mind you. Snap, snap! What I can't figure out is how those jumpy horses get to b1, g1, b8 and g8. Where do they come from?

Wits-end wrote:

... What I can't figure out is how those jumpy horses get to b1, g1, b8 and g8. Where do they come from?

This might be where the big bang comes in ...