
Why do people resign after they lose their Queen???


Never give up! Watch Hikarus botez gambit speed run, he got up to 2500 rating without a queen, inspirational stuff! With the right moves all intermediate players are beatable without a queen. I recently went down a queen and a rook due to a mistake in the opening and went on to check mate the opponent 7 or 8 moves later. That was in a 30 minute game as well as I am terrible at speed chess. 


#63 if that's your definition of intermediate then I'm a master yo you


If you are the type of player who doesn't play until mate then there is hardly any better opportunity to resign than after you blunder your queen. If you don't resign then, you will never resign.


#64 #confusedghoul I'm confused as to what you mean? We are rated similar, i'm rated 1300, your rated 1234? and tbf on this site i've played 41 games and only lost 8 so I might be higher but it started me off at 400 annoyingly. Hikaru did a speed run giving up his queen for a piece and was beating 2400s, so no offense but he'd easily beat you too, so ofc your  beatable without a queen.

TheKeytochess Hikaru's no queen speed run playing 2400 and 2500 rated players without a queen.


I never play seriously here, this was an account I created as a beginner and I never really played a serious game here after that. Thete is no way I don't win a Queen up in any format that has an increment


You played 2 games on the 25th of august against 1250 ish rated players lost one won one, and your saying hikaru, who started at the bottom and reached 2500 giving up his queen for a piece wouldn't beat you? Just watch the speed run, very impressive, and inspirational too happy.png


This is another good example: this is stockfish playing the Hikaru bot down a queen and winning, and the Hikaru bots rated 2820 so is way way better than us. So ofc your beatable without a queen and I don't mean that offensively at all its just a fact, so am i like. 


Because you will win. Take it and go beat up on someone else

I used to always resign because someone took my queen. After a while, though, I started to get better and now, I never resign unless I have to go somewhere or something. Just play on. Just because you lost your most powerful piece doesn't mean you aren't gonna win. You can still promote one of your pawns in the game.



So, keep playing, even if the Queen is lost. Because you never know what may happen...


I respect opponents who play on despite all odds but if I'm down a Queen, I'll be wanting a new game.


The importance of missing a piece tends to increase the higher the ELO gets.

From what I have heard, a 3400-rated engine is 3 points of material stronger than a 2400-rated master, which is 3 points stronger than an 1800 player, which is 3 points stronger than a 1400-rated player, which is 3 points stronger than 1100, which is 3 points stronger than 900.

So by this reasoning, there is a maximum rating at which queen odds is reasonable to play without expecting a guaranteed loss at similar ELO rating.

Right, we can kind of translate ELO into material, and wins or draws above 500-600 at queen odds seem decidedly unlikely. Given that you're around 800, it seems like your opponents are not going to think it's worth playing down a queen, because suddenly they're equivalent to like 400 ELO.

Note that these statistics are for reasonably fast paced games that weren't on a timer but were IIRC comparable to rapid games. The more think time you give a player who is actually trying to play chess, even poorly, the better their accuracy will be. There is a delicate balance between ELO, think time, and material balance going on here. Bullet is gonna be a lot more forgiving of material imbalance than correspondence.

So the question is, “why do people resign after losing 9 pawns worth of material?’


Props for this guy for staying after he blundered his queen

(I am black)


I've had opponents resign after losing a ROOK. This is due to the fact that I make people blunder rooks a lot. I had one game where my opponent blundered both rooks (both were taken by bishops), then a bishop (I blundered one of my rooks to the bishop, not knowing I could take the bishop without losing a rook, but instead I moved a knight, then he lost the bishop anyway, due to my queen taking it) then moved his queen to where a bishop could take it (I assume he was attacking my knight), I took it, then he resigned after losing his most powerful pieces. No kings moved the entire game.


I had an OTB game today where I just couldn't see when I was being attacked for whatever reason. I ended up equalizing after blundering 20 points of material without making a capture and ending up 3 points ahead.

Before I blundered a won endgame and they got 2 queens...

The point is, when you are 700 but actually playing like a 300, never resign.


I almost never resign (unless im down like 15 points) and it has actually brought many surprising victories, owing to the fact that people blunder a lot. Sometimes, I can also unleash a crazy sacrifice/attack that wins the game.


The king is not the most powerful piece, rather, it's the most vulnerable one. I'm with rooperi and his supporters; I resign when I'm down far less than a queen.


I also don't like it when people play on after losing tons of material. I resign after losing two minor pieces in the opening. it just feels like a waste of time to spend a few minutes checkmating someone who's like 17 points down.


when you get to higher levels, being a queen down in a losing postition, resigning is kind of like respecting your opponents time. of course, you can hope that your opponent blunders stalemate or something