
Why below game is draw if white lost on time

why below game declared draw if white lost on time Check out this #chess game: magician_opponent vs BigManJoeD - (white can be checkmate if white blunders)


[Event "magician_opponent vs. BigManJoeD"] [Site ""] [Date "2024-12-28"] [White "magician_opponent"] [Black "BigManJoeD"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [WhiteElo "1269"] [BlackElo "1251"] [TimeControl "300"] [Termination "Game drawn by timeout vs insufficient material"] 1. h4 e5 2. a4 d5 3. g3 c5 4. b3 f5 5. e3 Nf6 6. d3 Nc6 7. Rh3 f4 8. exf4 Bxh3 9. Bxh3 exf4 10. Bxf4 Be7 11. Bc1 O-O 12. Nd2 Re8 13. Kf1 a6 14. g4 d4 15. g5 Nd5 16. Ra3 Ne5 17. Be6+ Kh8 18. Bxd5 Qxd5 19. Ngf3 Nxf3 20. Qxf3 Qxf3 21. Nxf3 Rad8 22. Ne5 c4 23. Nxc4 Bxa3 24. Bxa3 Re6 25. Kg2 h6 26. f4 hxg5 27. hxg5 Re2+ 28. Kf3 Rxc2 29. Ne5 Rdc8 30. Ng6+ Kh7 31. Ne7 R8c3 32. g6+ Kh6 33. Ke4 Rxb3 34. Bd6 Rcc3 35. f5 Rxd3 36. Bf4+ Kh5 37. Nd5 Rd1 38. Be5 Ra3 39. Bxg7 Re1+ 40. Kxd4 Rd1+ 41. Kc5 Rxd5+ 42. Kxd5 Rxa4 43. f6 Ra5+ 44. Ke6 Kxg6 45. Bh8 Rc5 46. Ke7 Rc7+ 47. Ke6 Rc6+ 48. Ke7 Rxf6 49. Bxf6 b5 50. Be5 Kf5 51. Kd6 a5 52. Bh8 a4 53. Kc5 b4 54. Kxb4 Ke4 55. Ka3 Kd5 56. Bc3 Kc4 57. Ba5 Kb5 58. Be1 Kc4 59. Bh4 Kd3 60. Bg5 1/2-1/2


Black lost on time. White can’t force a checkmate with a king and a bishop. Neither side deserved to win. Therefore, the game ended in a draw.


Under FIDE rules, you are absolutely correct and the result would have been a win for white. However, uses rules that are similar to the USCF rules where unless checkmate can be forced, it is declared a draw. In this case, checkmate would only have been possible with the help of your opponent and not forced so it is declared a draw.