
Why am I so bad a chess?


It's just really annoying because I practice for hours strait... and then I play somebody EVEN AT 100 LEVEL, I still lose, I'm starting to lean away from chess because it's just not fun anymore.


Bro i have the same problem. Just talk to me and I can help you practice 😌 


Lunerman just talk to me on Monday. We will sing yakko's world and talk chess


Yeah It's just really hard...


This is an old and embarrassing discussion I made because I was salty, ignore it.

ElijahDodson wrote:

This is an old and embarrassing discussion I made because I was salty, ignore it.

But you shouldn't ignore it. Because even now, more than a year later you are still making beginner mistakes that you shouldn't make.

On move 2, you spent 3 seconds to make the worst move in the position.

Don't do this. Don't play on autopilot. Slow down, use your time, try to find good moves.

ElijahDodson wrote:

It's just really annoying because I practice for hours strait... and then I play somebody EVEN AT 100 LEVEL, I still lose, I'm starting to lean away from chess because it's just not fun anymore.

There are thousands of videos how to improve. I recommend recognizing tactics, you are just improving to the wrong way.


Several suggestions

1. Stop playing rapid and blitz. You don’t have enough time to think about your moves. 
2. Stop playing against other beginners. This is a very inefficient way to learn. Find stronger players at a club who will go over games with you and show you how to improve. 
3. Don’t tell yourself that playing for hours against other beginners is practice. This is trying to learn through trial and error. Even if you win a game because of a beginner mistake, you won’t have learned anything. 
4. Learn the basic principles of openings. There are lots of good books and videos available. A few hours of actually studying chess will give you better results than another 20 or 30 hours of speed chess against other beginners. 
5. Then learn the basic principles of endings. The best investment of time a chess player can make is studying Chernev’s Practical Chess Endings.

magipi wrote:
ElijahDodson wrote:

This is an old and embarrassing discussion I made because I was salty, ignore it.

On move 2, you spent 3 seconds to make the worst move in the position.


Technically, ... Qg5 and ... Qh4 are worse.

Just a perfectionistic little note.

Superplayer7472 wrote:

Technically, ... Qg5 and ... Qh4 are worse.

Just a perfectionistic little note.

Good observation! Nice.


I just stopped playing for a year because I got bored, I don't get mad anymore, I've taken advice from other people across the internet, and about that scholar's fork (whatever it is called) I kinda of just forgot about it, I know how to defend against it now lol. I love playing chess! I used to just think it's all about winning, but losing helps you improve and learn from mistakes! About playing rapid and blitz, I don't play as much blitz but I usually play 10 minute games, and I just joined a chess club, that could help!


Thank you all for trying to help me out!


Focus on the progress you're making rather than just the outcomes of individual games. Improvement in chess is often gradual and sometimes hard to see in the short term.


play more games #14 it seems like you are expecting results for studying and trying to become good at chess too soon , #10 rapid and blitz are the two time controls he should play the most,to say he dont have enough time to think about his moves is just stupid


Ok first of all...stop asking dumb questions like's not going to do anything to help you


If chess is not fun for you then why are you playing it? Do something you enjoy in your spare time...


Oh ok bro...I just read #13 sorry


I am almost 700! I almost win every game now when they do the "wayward queen attack" lol

Let’s see see about that.
Bros scared💀💀💀💀 it was unrated