
which is the best piece in chess?

The knight is the best piece in classical chess. there are powerfull pieces like queen, rook, etc. but the knight can be a very useful thing when king and other powerful pieces ,except knight, are in a position where when the knight moves, then the king will be in check, and the other piece in the other hand can't move because of check.

Ithinkthe queen is the best piece...


or the king, cause' you cant play without the king, duh

hdjur_jcv wrote:
It is sad how this very relevant and interesting question went unnoticed for twelve days, without sparking no discussion whatsoever, almost ignored I dare to say…

totally agree


The question is no real question, since everyone can figure out the following truths:

_ While the King is the most important piece, the Queen is the most powerfull.

_ It happens the Knight gets more important/powerfull than usually, due to tactical patterns related to its unique abilities. A well placed Knight, protected by a pawn, can prove more powerfull than a Rook, for the rest of the game.

_ The combo Queen+Knight proves overly dangerous and painfull to counter.

_ Ultimately, in some given positions or situations, a weaker piece, even a pawn, can become the center of the attention, when the outcome of the game depends on it. Any piece able to deliver a one move checkmate is the star of the moment.



Otherwise, we can also waste our time discussing about the shape of the Earth, ignoring the already axquiered knowledge about it.


The pawn brother, that piece can become everything he wants and if it gets past the mid everyone is scared of it.

