
Which is better? Caro-Kann or Sicillian?


Certainly Sicilian, only not if played by me. I will remember this loss forever and will have to live with it. A total newbie just got me, throwing stupid sidepawns from both sides like a madman. unfortunately, it was enough to secure his victory. I will have to stick to the most boring Italian - the guico pianissimo version, which my white opponents love so much. But Sicilian, to me it is too dangerous and some newbie strategies unfortunately proved to be succesful against me. I guess in the boring -a s s Italian, people just chill the whole game and nothing happens. But I got punished for trying to avoid this boring version.

Doctor-Advanced-Pawns wrote:

Lately after studying a lot l came up with the 2 best options- Caro-Kann and Sicillian defence. So l just wanted to know which one is better so l can score some wins.

There's no wrong answer here - they're both sound defenses. Give them both a try, alternating between them from game to game. Eventually you'll decide that you like one more than the other. Then you can focus on that one.


The choice between the Caro-Kann Defense and the Sicilian Defense depends on your playing style, goals, and willingness to study theory.


I never recommend the Sicilian to Beginners because it has a Lag in development + most Sicilian lines beginners like to play can get them into trouble.

I don’t like recommending the Kings Pawn game 1…e5 to beginners because I think players playing white will expect it and feel pretty comfortable seeing it.

The only 1…e5 line I have ever recommended to beginners is Philidor, but I often tell them to use the Pirc Move Order.


The Main Black Opening lines I recommend to beginners would probably be:

- French Defense

- Caro Kann

I often recommend the above lines if a chess player is serious about improving.

If a player isn’t serious and just wants to have fun, I do like recommending other WEIRD Stuff.

- Modern Defense which can include:

1) Lizard Defense

2) Hippo Defense

3) Pterodactyl Defense

- Pirc Defense


Beginners need tactics. Nothing develops these faster than meeting 1.e4 with 1…e5, but the Sicilian does almost as well.