Which is better? Caro-Kann or Sicillian?
Hello everyone, 80% of the people l play with play 1.e4 so l wanted to know what opening is the best to use against my enemy's common opening move? Lately after studying a lot l came up with the 2 best options- Caro-Kann and Sicillian defence. So l just wanted to know which one is better so l can score some wins. Please tell me! By the way if you know any better opening than Caro-Kann and Sicillian defence then tell me, if you think their are no better openings than that then tell me which one of these two.
There are three best options maybe .... Sicilian, French and 1. ...e5. The Caro is a little weak and fragile and it's used by counterattacking players who try to outplay their opponents out of positions that may be cramped and a little inferior. It's thought that the Caro gives white a slightly superior endgame, after best play by both sides. The French doesn't have that weakness but can involve a lot of theory, especially in the Classical variation with 3. ...Nf6, which is quite a challenge for white. The Sicilian would give white a slight endgame superiority due to white's pawn majority, if and only if the pieces come off. The Sicilian is best suited to very patient players who can nevertheless grab an opportunity if and when it shows itself, because there may be only one such opportunity (for black to achieve superiority) in the entire game. In the Sicilian, very often it's possible for black to attack on either flank or in the centre, so very good judgement is required. Probably in 1. e4 ...e5 games, what really matters is book knowledge. That isn't so true in the Sicilian as in the French or 1. ...e5. The Sicilian is more about ability and experience than book knowledge.
Caro-kann or Sicilian? They've both got 8 letters, each of them 'can' and both end in n. So about the same.
caro kann is very passive and defensive, if you are one of those players who just sits and defends and waits for opponent to blunder while trying to dislodge your defense, go for the boring caro kann, sicilian is very double edged, you will get a very interesting positions but chances to lose a very high, e5 is just boring theory even more so than caro kann, alternatively you can actually play modern defense and indian game after e4 as well, pirc is pretty good as well but is somewhat weak
i can counter caro kahn and french defence , i also know how to counter sicilian but no one ever follows this counter tactic. So i don't like sicilian even if sometimes i counter it
#11: whether game is sharp or not depends mainly on white. If white plays exchange caro then yes, black can hardly force sharp play without too much risk. But in case of 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 Bf5 4.g4 I really don’t think that caro is boring anymore. On the other hand, if you play sicilian and white plays Bb5, you will not have so much fun with black.
Hello everyone, 80% of the people l play with play 1.e4 so l wanted to know what opening is the best to use against my enemy's common opening move? Lately after studying a lot l came up with the 2 best options- Caro-Kann and Sicillian defence. So l just wanted to know which one is better so l can score some wins. Please tell me! By the way if you know any better opening than Caro-Kann and Sicillian defence then tell me, if you think their are no better openings than that then tell me which one of these two.