What's the rarest kind of checkmate?
The rarest kind of checkmate is probably the one that was in the daily puzzle today. The one where a knight delivers checkmate, and a knight and bishop both cover the lone escape square. With a queen sacrifice.
I'll bet nobody has ever seen one of those before.
Idk if theres a "rarest" checkmate, maybe a small percent of ppl using it can be considered rare. If I had to choose one I would probably choose the double knight forced mate :/
OK seriously one time I just played against a bot and it CASTLE CHECKMATED me
Seriously I am not kidding this is a dead rare occurrence.
Double Ambiguous Bishop en passant mate. its real. look up, what is the rarest move in chess.
Those are pretty common.
What's rare is the en passant triple sacrifice leading to a knight promotion smothered mate. That you don't see too often.
I once accidentally did a single knight and 1 pawn checkmate
So here white had 28 points of extra material still lost anyway I think that's the rarest checkmate in that kind of position where everyone thinks you're losing