What was your biggest material advantage ever?
The most times i had a huge material advantage, through promoting rooks to queens i lost by stalemate. I later learned from others its best not to promote too many pieces and choose a rook instead of a queen for a easier checkmate
If you use the analysis board and set up position, you can get to a 508 material point advantage and not have it be a stalemate. If you put this in to the analysis board:
Kbrqqqqq/b1bqqqqq/rb1qqqqq/qqqkqqqq/qqqqqqqq/qqqqqqqq/qqqqqqqq/qqqqqqqq w - - 1 1
I got 100 more material exactly. I promoted all my pawns and they didn’t take anything. It was really hard not to stale mate, but I still won
i was trying my best to get the biggest point advantage in a real game. i tested myself against martin and my best is +88. anyone know whats the WR? (edit: just did +91)
Listen, I do realize that I'm putting a lichess image onto chess.com, but just hear me out. I was playing with a friend on lichess to escape the unbearable lag that comes with chess.com ads, which I, admittedly, do not do often. We played a game, and he was dead lost. So, I started to promote all my pawns into knights. But I would've stalemated if I had continued the underpromotion, so I left one pawn one square away from knighthood. He got mad that I didn't finish the job, so clicked 'finish against computer', and... this absolute monstrosity. Need I say more?
I used the chess.com custom moving and it is possible to be up 103
well thats nice
necroposting go brrr