What is the fastest possible en passant checkmate?
I remember Eric Rosen seeing a game with en passant mate in 13 or 14 moves with Greek gift, but other than that, idk
Thats a great en passant check mate you showed Knight attack, but surely nobody would ever move their king out like that so early.
Here's one I just came up with (7 moves)
Looks like this question has already been answered
Turns out, the sequence I just showed is only one move longer than the fastest possible en passant mate
Thats a great en passant check mate you showed Knight attack, but surely nobody would ever move their king out like that so early.
That opening is the legendary Fred Defense!
ps first!!!!!
This isn't YouTube
And technically, I am first since I wrote Post #1
U tryna insult ME??
ps first!!!!!
This isn't YouTube
And technically, I am first since I wrote Post #1
U tryna insult ME??
ps first!!!!!
This isn't YouTube
And technically, I am first since I wrote Post #1
U tryna insult ME??
watch out then... i feel for you
Thats a great en passant check mate you showed Knight attack, but surely nobody would ever move their king out like that so early.
The topic of this thread is "What is the fastest possible en passant checkmate?".
The word is "possible", not "reasonable". So, in the construction of this checkmate, any random legal move can be played.
I would have only probably constructed an en passant checkmate in 20 moves. For this thread, I had in mind a situation where en passant is the checkmating move, but the pawn is not the one giving the checkmate - in other words, the en passant move allows the path of a bishop to be open to allow the bishop to give a checkmate.
EDIT: I didn't read all the posts fully and missed the post directly above mine. Mr Freezy has captured my thoughts on this.