
What is the farthest you guys have ever gone in book?


The most book moves I've ever done, to my knowledge, is 7.

-1.6} 10... exd4 11. cxd4 Nxd4 12. Qd3 a6 13. f3?? {[%c_effect f3;square;f3;type;Blunder;persistent;true] -1.5 --> -5.7 Allows...} 13... b5 ☒ (13... Nxf3+ {winning a rook and a tempo.}) 14. Be3 bxc4 15. Qxc4 Nc6 16. Bxc5 dxc5 17. Nc3 (17. Qxc5) 17... Qd4+ 18. Qxd4 Nxd4 (18... cxd4 19. Nd5 {Just trades pieces earlier while threatening a fork.}) 19. Nd5 Nxd5 20. exd5 Nc2 {This threat is pretty much meaningless, since I can play the zwischenzug of...} 21. Rxe8+ {...and move away in time.} 21... Rxe8 22. Rc1 (22. Rd1) 22... Nb4 23. Rxc5 Nxa2 24. Rxc7 f5 25. d6 Rd8 26. d7 Nb4?? {[%c_effect b4;square;b4;type;Blunder;persistent;true] -3.6 --> 0.2. 27. Rc8 pins the rook and ensures promotion. Unfortunately, I had even studied promotion tactics and didn't see it during this game.} 27. Kf2 ☒ (27. Rc8! {[%c_effect c8;square;c8;type;GreatFind;persistent;true]}) 27... Kf7 28. Rb7 Nd3+ 29. Ke3 Nc5 30. Rc7 {Engine wanted 30. Rb6, but I don't really understand. It loses a pawn.} (30. Rb6?! {[%c_effect b6;square;b6;type;Inaccuracy;persistent;true]}) 30... Nxd7 31. b4 Ke6 32. g4 fxg4 33. hxg4 Kd6 34. Ra7 Rb8 35. Rxa6+ Kc7 36. Ra4?! {[%c_effect a4;square;a4;type;Inaccuracy;persistent;true]} 36... Nb6 37. Ra7+ Rb7! {[%c_effect b7;square;b7;type;GreatFind;persistent;true]} 38. Ra1 Nc4+ 39. Kd3 Rxb4?? {[%c_effect b4;square;b4;type;Blunder;persistent;true]} 40. Rh1 (40. Rc1) 40... Ne5+ 41. Ke3 h6 42. f4? {[%c_effect f4;square;f4;type;Mistake;persistent;true]} 42... Nxg4+ 43. Kf3 Nf6 44. Rg1 Nh5 45. Rc1+ Kd6 46. Rd1+ Ke6 47. Re1+ Kf5 48. Re5+ Kf6?? {[%c_effect f6;square;f6;type;Blunder;persistent;true]} (48... Kg6) 49. Rxh5 Kg6 50. Rh4 h5?? {[%c_effect h5;square;h5;type;Blunder;persistent;true]} 51. Rh1 (51. f5+ Kxf5 52. Rxb4) 51... Rb3+ 52. Ke4 Kf6? {[%c_effect f6;square;f6;type;Mistake;persistent;true]} 53. Rxh5 Rb4+ 54. Kf3 g6 55. Rh6 Kf5 56. Rh8 Rb3+ 57. Ke2 Kxf4 58. Rg8 g5 59. Kf2! {[%c_effect f2;square;f2;type;GreatFind;persistent;true]} 59... g4 60. Kg2?! {[%c_effect g2;square;g2;type;Inaccuracy;persistent;true]} 60... g3 (60... Rb2+) 61. Rf8+ {Here I try for a draw by repetition.} 61... Kg4 62. Rg8+ Kf4 63. Rf8+ Ke4 64. Re8+ Kd4 65. Rd8+ Kc4 66. Rc8+ Kb4 67. Rb8+ Ka3 68. Ra8+ Kb2 69. Rg8! {[%c_effect g8;square;g8;type;GreatFind;persistent;true]} 69... Kc1 70. Rxg3 {This is a successful game for me, turning a loss into a draw.} 70... Rxg3+ 71. Kxg3 1/2-1/2 -->

I put the entire game in here, in case anyone wanted to look at it. I was white.

Edit: Um, something glitched, so the entire game is not there. The end of the diagram is not the end of the game. I was down a knight but managed to convert to a draw in the endgame.


good game


I played a new move on move 28 (as Black), improving on Sznapik vs Ljangov, Sandomeirz Poland, 1976, which both players had been following out to White's 28th move.


I think the highest number possible is over 30