The most book moves I've ever done, to my knowledge, is 7.
-1.6} 10... exd4 11. cxd4
Nxd4 12. Qd3 a6 13. f3?? {[%c_effect f3;square;f3;type;Blunder;persistent;true]
-1.5 --> -5.7 Allows...} 13... b5 ☒ (13... Nxf3+ {winning a rook and a tempo.})
14. Be3 bxc4 15. Qxc4 Nc6 16. Bxc5 dxc5 17. Nc3 (17. Qxc5) 17... Qd4+ 18. Qxd4
Nxd4 (18... cxd4 19. Nd5 {Just trades pieces earlier while threatening a fork.})
19. Nd5 Nxd5 20. exd5 Nc2 {This threat is pretty much meaningless, since I can
play the zwischenzug of...} 21. Rxe8+ {...and move away in time.} 21... Rxe8 22.
Rc1 (22. Rd1) 22... Nb4 23. Rxc5 Nxa2 24. Rxc7 f5 25. d6 Rd8 26. d7 Nb4??
{[%c_effect b4;square;b4;type;Blunder;persistent;true] -3.6 --> 0.2. 27. Rc8
pins the rook and ensures promotion. Unfortunately, I had even studied promotion
tactics and didn't see it during this game.} 27. Kf2 ☒ (27. Rc8! {[%c_effect
c8;square;c8;type;GreatFind;persistent;true]}) 27... Kf7 28. Rb7 Nd3+ 29. Ke3
Nc5 30. Rc7 {Engine wanted 30. Rb6, but I don't really understand. It loses a
pawn.} (30. Rb6?! {[%c_effect b6;square;b6;type;Inaccuracy;persistent;true]})
30... Nxd7 31. b4 Ke6 32. g4 fxg4 33. hxg4 Kd6 34. Ra7 Rb8 35. Rxa6+ Kc7 36.
Ra4?! {[%c_effect a4;square;a4;type;Inaccuracy;persistent;true]} 36... Nb6 37.
Ra7+ Rb7! {[%c_effect b7;square;b7;type;GreatFind;persistent;true]} 38. Ra1 Nc4+
39. Kd3 Rxb4?? {[%c_effect b4;square;b4;type;Blunder;persistent;true]} 40. Rh1
(40. Rc1) 40... Ne5+ 41. Ke3 h6 42. f4? {[%c_effect
f4;square;f4;type;Mistake;persistent;true]} 42... Nxg4+ 43. Kf3 Nf6 44. Rg1 Nh5
45. Rc1+ Kd6 46. Rd1+ Ke6 47. Re1+ Kf5 48. Re5+ Kf6?? {[%c_effect
f6;square;f6;type;Blunder;persistent;true]} (48... Kg6) 49. Rxh5 Kg6 50. Rh4
h5?? {[%c_effect h5;square;h5;type;Blunder;persistent;true]} 51. Rh1 (51. f5+
Kxf5 52. Rxb4) 51... Rb3+ 52. Ke4 Kf6? {[%c_effect
f6;square;f6;type;Mistake;persistent;true]} 53. Rxh5 Rb4+ 54. Kf3 g6 55. Rh6 Kf5
56. Rh8 Rb3+ 57. Ke2 Kxf4 58. Rg8 g5 59. Kf2! {[%c_effect
f2;square;f2;type;GreatFind;persistent;true]} 59... g4 60. Kg2?! {[%c_effect
g2;square;g2;type;Inaccuracy;persistent;true]} 60... g3 (60... Rb2+) 61. Rf8+
{Here I try for a draw by repetition.} 61... Kg4 62. Rg8+ Kf4 63. Rf8+ Ke4 64.
Re8+ Kd4 65. Rd8+ Kc4 66. Rc8+ Kb4 67. Rb8+ Ka3 68. Ra8+ Kb2 69. Rg8!
{[%c_effect g8;square;g8;type;GreatFind;persistent;true]} 69... Kc1 70. Rxg3
{This is a successful game for me, turning a loss into a draw.} 70... Rxg3+ 71.
Kxg3 1/2-1/2
I put the entire game in here, in case anyone wanted to look at it. I was white.
Edit: Um, something glitched, so the entire game is not there. The end of the diagram is not the end of the game. I was down a knight but managed to convert to a draw in the endgame.
I played a new move on move 28 (as Black), improving on Sznapik vs Ljangov, Sandomeirz Poland, 1976, which both players had been following out to White's 28th move.
The most book moves I've ever done, to my knowledge, is 7.
I put the entire game in here, in case anyone wanted to look at it. I was white.
Edit: Um, something glitched, so the entire game is not there. The end of the diagram is not the end of the game. I was down a knight but managed to convert to a draw in the endgame.