What is going on here? Why is it a Draw?
You need to have the possibility to win to gain a win from your opponent timing out. If you can't ever possibly checkmate him due to having insufficient material, ie: A lone King or a King and a Knight
then you get a draw when your opponent times out as that was the best possible scenario for you due to your material position.
If you had at least 1 pawn to go with your King you would have won, as it is theoretically possible to promote that pawn to a Queen and checkmate your opponent.
Please explain . Look at the game, why was the game a draw by move 74 by black? I dont understand. Why not at move 75 a5+....
I dont understand
What are you not understanding? Your opponent ran out of time. You didn't have enough material to win, therefore the game ended in a draw.
How can it be a draw in this situation?. Look at the time I am winning and escaping, why Is it a draw?
What Am I missing?