what does it take to get a brilliant move!
I’m confused how that’s a brilliant move when the queen is guarding
pawn takes knight ,bh3,re1,qg5+,kh1,qg2 checkmate in 3
I'm rated around 900 and I have had two consecutive games with each their own brilliant move. I've received around 4 total that I know of but I've only analyzed around a fifth of my games.
Earlier getting a brilliant move was very rare because it would be better than what computer thinks is best at low depth. You had to beat the bar, kind off. I got it once, computer's best move would have made position equal my move was slightly better.
Now it is different now if you sack a piece and it is the best move then it is considered brilliant.
What is a bets move? I didn’t know there was betting in chess.
Idk if this is how you link a game, but I got a brilliant for Be2, a "hard to find" defensive move. According to my insights, I have 6, but only recall this one...
[Event "Machinist77 vs. Kudretk"] [Site ""] [Date "2023-01-22"] [White "Machinist77"] [Black "Kudretk"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "1305"] [BlackElo "1282"] [TimeControl "standard"] [Termination "Machinist77 won by resignation"] 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Nf3 Bxc3+ 5. bxc3 Ne7 6. Bg5 O-O 7. e3 f6 8. Bf4 Ng6 9. Bg3 e5 10. cxd5 Qxd5 11. Qb3 Qxb3 12. axb3 Be6 13. c4 exd4 14. Nxd4 Bf7 15. Bxc7 Nc6 16. Nxc6 bxc6 17. Be2 Rac8 18. Rxa7 Ne7 19. Bd6 Ra8 20. Rxa8 Rxa8 21. Bxe7 Ra1+ 22. Bd1 Bg6 23. O-O Bd3 24. Be2 Rxf1+ 25. Bxf1 Bc2 26. b4 Kf7 27. Bd6 Ke6 28. c5 f5 29. Bc4+ Kd7 30. h4 g6 31. Kh2 h6 32. Kg3 g5 33. hxg5 hxg5 34. f4 g4 35. Kh4 Be4 36. g3 Kc8 37. b5 cxb5 38. Bxb5 Kb7 39. Kg5 Kc8 40. c6 Bc2 41. c7 Be4 42. Ba6+ Bb7 43. Bxb7+ Kxb7 44. Kxf5 1-0
Stick around long enough at this website, and with mounting experience and a mounting number of games you will likely get PLENTY of brilliant moves. I have been playing here for 7 years with over 98,000 games, and I now have a grand total of 817 "brilliant" moves. However, this is actually BELOW AVERAGE on a percentage basis according to Insights! What a bummer. Most of these moves involved a bishop sacrifice, either around the opposing king or else in the context of discovered check. I would estimate that at least 75% revolved around some sort of bishop sac, with the majority of the rest having to do with a rook sacrifice, usually for an enemy knight. As far as I can tell most of my brilliant moves seemed rather obvious, so I can't help but believe this item is rather overrated in terms of mystique. A brilliant move involving a nearly inscrutable 7-deep mating combination really WOULD impress me, but I haven't made one of these yet and don't think I'm likely to do so in the near future.
the vast majority of brilliant moves I get are from sacrificing a piece to open up a serious attack on the king/an exchange where you'll end up with more material
the vast majority of brilliant moves I get are from sacrificing a piece to open up a serious attack on the king/an exchange where you'll end up with more material
And also, sometimes the brilliant (!!) and great (!) moves are started by our opponent's bad move.
when you are low elo brilliant moves are common because we are stupid and our brilliance is just dumb luck more than skill.
In this game, I have got 5 great moves with an accuracy of 94.8 WOOOOOOOOOOO