
what does it take to get a brilliant move!

breh the white worst fear

A move must fit the following criteria to be brilliant:

1. It must sacrifice a piece (or ignore a threat on one).

2. It should worsen the opposing side's position no matter what they do (assuming they even have an option to not take it).

I've got about a dozen of them so far. Here's the first one I ever did.

Here, white has three legal moves:

1. Bxd3 (which is what they did). This move allows Nd5+ (which is what I did), winning the queen.

2. Kc2, giving up the queen.

3. Kb2, also giving up the queen.

I went on to win this game after my opponent later blundered both of their rooks.



Fr3nchToastCrunch wrote:

Here, white has three legal moves:

1. Bxd3 (which is what they did). This move allows Nd5+ (which is what I did), winning the queen.

2. Kc2, giving up the queen.

3. Kb2, also giving up the queen.

Maybe I haven't had enough coffee yet today, but what about Qxd3?

KnuppelBerry wrote:
Fr3nchToastCrunch wrote:

Here, white has three legal moves:

1. Bxd3 (which is what they did). This move allows Nd5+ (which is what I did), winning the queen.

2. Kc2, giving up the queen.

3. Kb2, also giving up the queen.

Maybe I haven't had enough coffee yet today, but what about Qxd3?

get a cuppa tea before they start answering you, mate.

KnuppelBerry wrote:
Fr3nchToastCrunch wrote:

Here, white has three legal moves:

1. Bxd3 (which is what they did). This move allows Nd5+ (which is what I did), winning the queen.

2. Kc2, giving up the queen.

3. Kb2, also giving up the queen.

Maybe I haven't had enough coffee yet today, but what about Qxd3?

actually, ure right


it would give up the queen also

WongEthanLY wrote:

it would give up the queen also

Yeah, I know. But it's a legal move.


ik, I said that in post 266.


usually its simply a beneficial piece sacrifice