
Was the block user feature removed?


I suddenly can't block other users today.   I tried deleting some from my block list, in case it was full, didn't help.   Was "block" removed?

PastaOfTheMind wrote:

I suddenly can't block other users today. I tried deleting some from my block list, in case it was full, didn't help. Was "block" removed?

I just added a member to my block list.

Martin_Stahl wrote:
PastaOfTheMind wrote:

I suddenly can't block other users today. I tried deleting some from my block list, in case it was full, didn't help. Was "block" removed?

I just added a member to my block list.

Was it me? shock

bobby_max wrote:

Was it me?

HEEY that's my liiiine. tongue.png
Seriously though, did they change this box: ? I swear this is where a "Block" option used to be.

(also I love how in addition to how I can't block Martin - not that I would, since he's super-helpful here - he appears to also be totally immune to the "Report" feature as well... only "Message" on his panel... haha)

Martin_Stahl wrote:
PastaOfTheMind wrote:

I suddenly can't block other users today. I tried deleting some from my block list, in case it was full, didn't help. Was "block" removed?

I just added a member to my block list.

Yes, but you didn't do it the way that we were previously allowed to do it prior to whatever recent update went through. Why was the block feature removed from the 3 dots drop down next to your opponent's name when you're in game? We are now forced to go to their home page, click on the 3 dots drop down, and only THEN can we block them. Yet, another chess com update that adds another unnecessary step for us to do something that we were able to previously accomplish with one step. Please see my screenshot below:
 Notice how the "block" feature is no longer listed and you can now only "message" and "report"? That screenshot is taken when hovering over the 3 dots drop down next to my opponent's name when in game. Something we were able to do before. Why remove a convenient and useful feature and make us go through another unnecessary step to accomplish the same thing? Makes no sense.


Oh OK, so this is different for everyone and not just for me, that's what I wanted to know.
I like the look of the new box better I guess, even if it's an extra step to block? Just as long as it isn't broken (I seem to get all the weird bugs, like the perpetual "Game Review is not working" but then it reliably works on refresh....)

Martin_Stahl wrote:
PastaOfTheMind wrote:

I suddenly can't block other users today. I tried deleting some from my block list, in case it was full, didn't help. Was "block" removed?

I just added a member to my block list.

Yes, but you didn't do it the way that we were previously allowed to do it prior to whatever recent update went through. Why was the block feature removed from the 3 dots drop down next to your opponent's name when you're in game? We are now forced to go to their home page, click on the 3 dots drop down, and only THEN can we block them. Yet, another chess com update that adds another unnecessary step for us to do something that we were able to previously accomplish with one step. Please see my screenshot below:

ย Notice how the "block" feature is no longer listed and you can now only "message" and "report"? That screenshot is taken when hovering over the 3 dots drop down next to my opponent's name when in game. Something we were able to do before. Why remove a convenient and useful feature and make us go through another unnecessary step to accomplish the same thing? Makes no sense.

PastaOfTheMind wrote:

Oh OK, so this is different for everyone and not just for me, that's what I wanted to know.
I like the look of the new box better I guess, even if it's an extra step to block? Just as long as it isn't broken (I seem to get all the weird bugs, like the perpetual "Game Review is not working" but then it reliably works on refresh....)

Yes but having that attitude, "as long as it isnt broken" isn't not the correct mindset to have and you are setting us (the community) up for failure. Would it be ok if added another unnecessary step in the next update? And then another 3 in the update after that? And so on and so forth until you're having to go through 7 additional steps? But hey, it's not broken right?

Yodas_Nipple wrote:

setting us (the community) up for failure. Would it be ok if added another unnecessary step in the next update?

Kind of torn here, since as a software developer, I do often find myself wondering: "how can I spend more of my firm's time and money to make life more difficult for my users without any tangible benefit whatsoever for anyone?"
It's just what we're trained to do I guess
(by which I mean 'thx i appreciate your spicy UI/UX take but I literally just wanted to know if the change was intentional or my strange potato of a machine is screwing it up on this end')


also lol why is Martin getting downvoted just for answering my question? this place is weird.

PastaOfTheMind wrote:
bobby_max wrote:

Was it me?

HEEY that's my liiiine.
Seriously though, did they change this box: ? I swear this is where a "Block" option used to be.
(also I love how in addition to how I can't block Martin - not that I would, since he's super-helpful here - he appears to also be totally immune to the "Report" feature as well... only "Message" on his panel... haha)

Apparently block has been removed from the new mini-profile pop-up that some members have now. You should still be able to block from their profile or in Settings > Blocking

That said, staff and moderators can't be blocked

You canโ€™t block and moderator..
I have to message them then block bro
CommanderCatty wrote:
I have to message them then block bro

Sadly I have messages completely disabled across the board during games b/c of too many bad experiences /w that...

Martin_Stahl wrote:
PastaOfTheMind wrote:
bobby_max wrote:

Was it me?

HEEY that's my liiiine.
Seriously though, did they change this box: ? I swear this is where a "Block" option used to be.
(also I love how in addition to how I can't block Martin - not that I would, since he's super-helpful here - he appears to also be totally immune to the "Report" feature as well... only "Message" on his panel... haha)

Apparently block has been removed from the new mini-profile pop-up that some members have now. You should still be able to block from their profile or in Settings > Blocking

That said, staff and moderators can't be blocked

But there is also another thing it broke with this update of removing the "block" ability from the mini-profile pop-up. You can also no longer block a player who has blocked you. This is so silly. I just played someone and I beat them in a time scramble. I can only presume that they got so enraged that they decided to block me (feel bad for people who have the emotional capacity of a cat). In any case, I would also not like to ever play this opponent again if they ever unblock me (due to their poor sportsmanship and toxic personality of course). However, whenever I hover over their name in the mini-profile pop, it just says, "You have been blocked by this member". When I go to their homepage, I am no longer able to manually block them like we were able to before this recent mini-profile pop-up block feature removal (see screenshot below). What gives?? Why is breaking stuff?

PastaOfTheMind wrote:

also lol why is Martin getting downvoted just for answering my question? this place is weird.

I think it was because his initial response had nothing to do with the block feature removal from the mini-profile pop-up (as Martin himself just confirmed) after another member pointed it out to him (which is what presumably got you to post this thread in the first place...ty btw!).

#2 LOL

Another L


I must say that the change is very annoying.