
Was it fair for my opponent to resign?


Even though here it shows as if I'm totally winning, I only had 6 seconds left on my clock and he had 1:15 left on his clock so I would've still probably lost on time even though he was down 2 rooks. I have a feeling that sometimes, mentally, it ticks people off and tricks them when they see that they are losing pieces and they don't focus on anything else. I think after that blunder his brain gave up. I don't think it was fair for him to resign, right?

Anyways here's the full game:


"I think after that blunder his brain gave up. I don't think it was fair for him to resign, right?"
People should be expected to follow etiquette but not be expected to allow their opponent to grind them down. It's everyone's prerogative to resign...
I saw a recent history documentary about Edward I constructing a terrific siege engine. The castle occupants wanted to surrender, but Edward told them to get back inside so he could try out his trebuchet and he would tell them when to surrender.


If I were black and my opponent only had 6 seconds left, I would keep playing.

landloch wrote:

If I were black and my opponent only had 6 seconds left, I would keep playing.


Ziggy_Zugzwang wrote:

"I think after that blunder his brain gave up. I don't think it was fair for him to resign, right?"
People should be expected to follow etiquette but not be expected to allow their opponent to grind them down. It's everyone's prerogative to resign...
I saw a recent history documentary about Edward I constructing a terrific siege engine. The castle occupants wanted to surrender, but Edward told them to get back inside so he could try out his trebuchet and he would tell them when to surrender.


landloch wrote:

If I were black and my opponent only had 6 seconds left, I would keep playing.

yea me too


There have been times when I overreacted and resigned without thinking. When I later looked at the games, it was obvious that all that I had to do was hang in there and let my opponent run out of time, but I let my emotions get the best of me.

woton wrote:

There have been times when I overreacted and resigned without thinking. When I later looked at the games, it was obvious that all that I had to do was hang in there and let my opponent run out of time, but I let my emotions get the best of me.

yeah i think the same thing happened to the guy i was playing against


Are you really complaining about a win? REALLY???

bobby_max wrote:

Are you really complaining about a win? REALLY???

what are you yapping about now?


the amount of irony there

MartinStockfish wrote:
bobby_max wrote:

Are you really complaining about a win? REALLY???

what are you yapping about now?

All the yappers should yap on this post serves the other yappers right !

bobby_max wrote:

Are you really complaining about a win? REALLY???

i aint complaining, im just asking a question.

MartinStockfish wrote:

i aint complaining, im just asking a question.

You didn't provide any explanation in what sense was that resignation "not fair". Very difficult to figure out what your point is.

magipi wrote:
MartinStockfish wrote:

i aint complaining, im just asking a question.

You didn't provide any explanation in what sense was that resignation "not fair". Very difficult to figure out what your point is.

He's saying it isn't fair cause this opponent could have flagged him and won due to time management

He's saying is it fair to resign when you have a way to win ?

BigChessplayer665 wrote:
magipi wrote:
MartinStockfish wrote:

i aint complaining, im just asking a question.

You didn't provide any explanation in what sense was that resignation "not fair". Very difficult to figure out what your point is.

He's saying it isn't fair cause this opponent could have flagged him and won due to time management

He's saying is it fair to resign when you have a way to win ?

"Not fair" is usually used in a sense that it gives an undeserved advantage. If someone rage-quits for whatever reason, that is just their loss and hurts nobody.

It would be different in a tournament, where some third party would get hurt.

Yep itā€™s fair to resign at any time for any reason no one chaining you to a board or a computer. Lots of people donā€™t like when players quit early in any game but I think they should realize they are just games and anyone can quit at any time for any reason. I frequently scoop on commander edh when I feel like I canā€™t win anymore and often players who wanted to use me for resources or a meat shield donā€™t like it but when they are the one mana screwed with no chances or plays they scoop too.
magipi wrote:
MartinStockfish wrote:

i aint complaining, im just asking a question.

You didn't provide any explanation in what sense was that resignation "not fair". Very difficult to figure out what your point is.

You really don't understand such a simple thing?

Ok, I asked if: It was fair or not? For my opponent, to resign, in that type of situation.

MartinStockfish wrote:
magipi wrote:
MartinStockfish wrote:

i aint complaining, im just asking a question.

You didn't provide any explanation in what sense was that resignation "not fair". Very difficult to figure out what your point is.

You really don't understand such a simple thing?

Ok, I asked if: It was fair or not? For my opponent, to resign, in that type of situation.

The answer is so obvious that I have a feeling that you have some hidden reason to think otherwise.

magipi wrote:
MartinStockfish wrote:
magipi wrote:
MartinStockfish wrote:

i aint complaining, im just asking a question.

You didn't provide any explanation in what sense was that resignation "not fair". Very difficult to figure out what your point is.

You really don't understand such a simple thing?

Ok, I asked if: It was fair or not? For my opponent, to resign, in that type of situation.

The answer is so obvious that I have a feeling that you have some hidden reason to think otherwise.

Tbh unless your have something else to dono your opponent shouldn't resign is it "fair" technically yes but he still should flagged instead of won