
Use this test to get an estimate of your Elo rating !


edited moderator Andrewsmith 

Optimissed wrote:

I tried it. It came out a bit low. Only used five mins on all of them together though.

Well at least you are honest , that's a good thing.

What rating did you get tho? 


Why not play real OTB chess (after the corona virus fades) and get a real ELO rating?


Jesus that thing is old. I remember taking it almost 15 years ago.

And it's been posted 100 times to these forums already. I'm surprised some long term members here seem to be finding it for the first time.

It's not a good test. IIRC choosing various game-losing sacrifices in #9 will earn you the most points while choosing the engine-best move (or safe alternatives) awards you no points.

And #2 is a position from a famous game.

Anyway, like I said, it's super old. These days there are better ways to find out what your rating is. Here, let me give you a link:


Optimissed wrote:

I expected it to be a bit over 1900. But I don't do any of the tactics. I don't really like tests like these because they probably just compare your move with a move played in a game between masters and mark you down even if you make a perfectly reasonable move.

I haven't tested every puzzle, but at least in some of them there are many different moves that earn you points.


And I knew Be4 for position 2 because it's a famous game, not because I would have found it myself.

Actually it's pretty instructive. A common KIA situation, using the loose dark squares to infiltrate and attack light squares. That sort of thing.




If black takes the bishop the e3 knight is coming into the attack.

If black doesn't take the bishop then the bishop is in the attack.

The idea is simple, all that's left is some calculation.


This is not post in analysis section!  Thank you.


I dont understand, i did this one and got 1740. and i also did the "elometer" one and got a similar result, almost 1800, but im pretty new to chess i dont think this is right


do not understand



my estimated elo: 1575


My "estimated" rating was 1830... Don't know what is possible there... It doesn't tell me which ones I got "right" and which ones I get "wrong"...

llamonade2 wrote:

And I knew Be4 for position 2 because it's a famous game, not because I would have found it myself.

Actually it's pretty instructive. A common KIA situation, using the loose dark squares to infiltrate and attack light squares. That sort of thing.



Very instructive I personally didn’t find that one.


I got a 1730

llamonade2 wrote:

And I knew Be4 for position 2 because it's a famous game, not because I would have found it myself.

Actually it's pretty instructive. A common KIA situation, using the loose dark squares to infiltrate and attack light squares. That sort of thing.



Wow this is a masterpiece by Fischer (maybe all his games are masterpieces?). A pity I didn't know (or find) Be4. I thought for just a minute on all the positions and what I calculated here was 28.Bxd5 exd5 29.Nf5 gxf5 30.gxf5 etc. Didn't calculate any further but thought that it should be a win for white.  

Am I wrong? Please help. And by the way I got a rating of 1960 (don't know if this is high or low).


I got a 1720. Around 450 points above my uscf rating so this estimator may not be the most accurate, or I'm just very under rated.


I took a newer test here

NilsIngemar wrote:

I took a newer test here

How did I get a rating of "Based on your move choices, our estimate of your Elo rating is 1680, with a 95% confidence interval of [1541...1819]." when my chess rating is only 1188 or something for blitz on this website.... I can't even beat dash the reindeer (came to an 8+ endgame with same amount of pawns, had no clue and did not know the endgame so lost).


Why are you playing blitz?

NilsIngemar wrote:

Why are you playing blitz?

Its quick games, and If I lose I can rebound to another quickly, like if I make a blunder or something, I have to suffer longer in rapid hoping I can capitalize on mistakes but in blitz its short and refreshing, although loses are obviously no fun