
uscf tournament

Hey all, recently I lost a game in a uscf rated tournament due to resignation on the first move. I never got loaded in and in special events I’m pretty sure you can’t resign that early into the game. I hope someone can respond to this and tell me if I can get my rating refunded or just have the game looked into, thanks!
To add on my opponent had told me it said they got a 0 point bye for being late, yet apparently says I resigned in less than a second, someone please respond because I’ve played lots of uscf tournaments and love seeing my rating improve as I get better, and this game may set me back a little

Is this an online or in-person tournament?

Usually in OTB tournaments you're allowed around half your clock's time before the TD can call the match a forfeit.

blitz2009 wrote:

what? doesn't have uscf rated tournaments. Also this post just makes no sense

You can host online USCF tournaments on

Kravenlore wrote:
Hey all, recently I lost a game in a uscf rated tournament due to resignation on the first move. I never got loaded in and in special events I’m pretty sure you can’t resign that early into the game. I hope someone can respond to this and tell me if I can get my rating refunded or just have the game looked into, thanks!

If it's a US Chess online event it shouldn't be rated for US Chess purposes unless there was at least one move by each player.

If you're talking about this game, it will be marked as a forfeit loss and unrated.

Thanks for the responses everyone, and thanks for the clarification about the match, I was talking about that one in particular