
this should be banned


isaacirwinn wrote:

What you are supposed to do is to use the report link on those comments that you believe violate community standards in some substantial way. This lets the moderators know about the comment.

They will take a look at them and edit them or remove them if they agree that they violate the community standards.

That first topic you listed ("Can chess be sexy") was posted in 2008. It survived 15 years of scrutiny but someone revived it recently and now you want it removed without providing much of a clue as to what you are objecting to. I can't see anything all that terrible in that whole thread.

That's why using the "report" link is useful. It saves us from having to read the entire 15 year thread. Perhaps a comment you were objecting to has already been removed by some other moderator. If it is still there, please use the "report" link to help identify what it is in particular that you are objecting to.

#3 stop this stupidity!
TrickyKnight373737 wrote:
#3 stop this stupidity!

He's testing how quickly he'll get banned for sandbagging while outing himself and spamming on forums !

Ya, so many losses.
TrickyKnight373737 wrote:
#3 stop this stupidity!

--- Interesting thought lol.


Hey three topics about banning all at once impressive !