
The new puzzles rated setup ! ….what’s your opinion of it ?

I think it’s pretty cool ! ✌️😎
Woolly-Da-Bully123 wrote:
I think it’s pretty cool ! ✌️😎

It's been on Android since last year and I did over 25,000+ tactics with it in around 4 months of it's release. It's a little more motivating than the regular puzzle system. happy

I like the old system. The old one showed you when you were improving and (almost more importantly) when you weren’t. In this new system, I don’t like that you can only get better (ie. more points)
I agree, Dontwake. I would add that the bot comments are annoying and unhelpful. How can we go back to the previous format? I really hate this one.
I agree with you Martin , it is more motivating. Why haven’t they introduced it sooner ?
hackettino wrote:
I agree, Dontwake. I would add that the bot comments are annoying and unhelpful. How can we go back to the previous format? I really hate this one.

There's a settings icon on the top of the feature that lets you disable it

Woolly-Da-Bully123 wrote:
I agree with you Martin , it is more motivating. Why haven’t they introduced it sooner ?

It took time to implement for iOS and should be on the website at some point.

But your progress is shown , you can see when your up or down , by checking your ratings ! 🤷‍♂️…….what more do you need to know !

I think some members have the rating gain/loss shown and some don't in the new feature. My preference is to have it.

I know I wouldn't do quite as many puzzles if they weren't both there. Sometimes I'm trying to hit a rating threshold (usually trying to get higher after a tilt) and sometimes I'm close to levelling. In either case I'll likely do a few more puzzles in a session than I otherwise would.

Crashes out on my iPad

It's motivating to have a progression system and milestones to keep you engaged but I wish it was tied to rating. It's weird to be at a high level of puzzles but be low in tiers, especially when it's comparing you to your friends (these friends of mine are lower rated puzzle wise).
To know that the tiers basically only represent play time is less motivating.

new puzzle tier system, showing my tier and my rating of 2800 at the top of the screen

Worse, even though the tier system doesn't penalize you for a wrong move, you still lose points from your "elo" puzzle rating under the hood - which it doesn't make clear.


Doesn't work on pc sad.png

TipsyTrickster wrote:

Doesn't work on pc

Yeah, it's not available yet but is being worked on.

boardflipr666 wrote:

It's motivating to have a progression system and milestones to keep you engaged but I wish it was tied to rating. It's weird to be at a high level of puzzles but be low in tiers, especially when it's comparing you to your friends (these friends of mine are lower rated puzzle wise).
To know that the tiers basically only represent play time is less motivating.

Worse, even though the tier system doesn't penalize you for a wrong move, you still lose points from your "elo" puzzle rating under the hood - which it doesn't make clear.

It's similar to Leagues and isn't meant to be about ratings. Once you make it to the end you Prestige and start back at the beginning of the path.

And yes, the puzzles are still rated, which means you should still get appropriate puzzles for your current rating (within the normal range that's possible)

abekenney wrote:
Crashes out on my iPad

Does it get past the initial tutorial?

Martin_Stahl wrote:
TipsyTrickster wrote:

Doesn't work on pc

Yeah, it's not available yet but is being worked on.

Great, is there any estimate when it's coming for pc? Also I thought it was a bug when they sent me back to wood league when I completed legends league on phone? Is it intended to be that way?

TipsyTrickster wrote:
Martin_Stahl wrote:
TipsyTrickster wrote:

Doesn't work on pc

Yeah, it's not available yet but is being worked on.

Great, is there any estimate when it's coming for pc? Also I thought it was a bug when they sent me back to wood league when I completed legends league on phone? Is it intended to be that way?

There's no estimate at this point and yes, it's intended that you go back to the beginning of the path. When that happens, you are prestiged and your pawn changes. Each time you complete the path you'll go back to wood but I don't know yet if there's anything different for progressive prestige levels.


it is goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

Martin_Stahl wrote:
boardflipr666 wrote:

It's motivating to have a progression system and milestones to keep you engaged but I wish it was tied to rating. It's weird to be at a high level of puzzles but be low in tiers, especially when it's comparing you to your friends (these friends of mine are lower rated puzzle wise).
To know that the tiers basically only represent play time is less motivating.

Worse, even though the tier system doesn't penalize you for a wrong move, you still lose points from your "elo" puzzle rating under the hood - which it doesn't make clear.

It's similar to Leagues and isn't meant to be about ratings. Once you make it to the end you Prestige and start back at the beginning of the path.

And yes, the puzzles are still rated, which means you should still get appropriate puzzles for your current rating (within the normal range that's possible)

Ahh okay so it's more like a leagues experience? If it's not supposed to be about ratings then why do you keep getting puzzles at your old rating level and are made to compete against friends who have much easier puzzles? Prestige would mean something if everyone was using the same yard stick.
Also, I don't mind that your original rating is still impacted when you play but they should be more forthcoming about it, imo. People have been on the app for years working on their puzzle rating and might not understand it's still being affected secretly.

Where has the normal puzzles gone? Can it be accessed?