
the myth of icc fischer a famous figure


I am ICC Fischer google the term if you have never heard of it or search youtube videos. I currently am beating tons of 1800s 1700s and even a 2000 ecf, i recently got a 2427 rating performance in a under 1750 rapidplay with 6/6


All proper otb games


Stay in good company and dont move out of your club! Haughty proud virus is all around


Here is your standard games otb record since the ECF rating conversion aggregated by class. Very much in line statistically with the 16xx OTB player you are. you are expected to occasionally get a lucky win against a 2000. You are not ICC Fischer (unless you created that identity...) and did not play Nigel Short, much less beat him.

Note, I'm not woofing, I'm not much better, just calling out a blowhard. Haughty proud virus is indeed all around.

      g w l d pct perf rating  
unrated / <1200 10 7 0 3 0.85 1480    
1200-1399   6 4 1 1 0.75 1500    
1400-1599   43 21 8 13 0.64 1621    
1600-1799   47 12 22 13 0.39 1615    
1800-1999   17 3 11 3 0.26 1712    
2000-2199   11 1 9 1 0.14 1809    
2200-2399   1 0 1 0 0 1800    
>2400   0 0 0 0        
  TOTALS   135 48 52 34 0.48 1631    

i am icc fischer the games against nigel were blitz and online-here is one of my latest rapidplay tournaments a performance rating of 2427 from chess results


You can keep posting this, but it's absolutely meaningless. Especially directly below the stats that actually do matter. One event (or game, or anecdote) shows nothing.

your expectation in a 6 round event of going 6-0 against relatively similarly rated competition is about 1 in 64. So, enter enough events as a 1600, and you'll eventually go 6-0 against 1600 competition. In statistics, we'd call that "an outlier result". Especially when your REAL rating shows such a consistent mediocre performance.

I should bill for the remedial math and logic lessons.


@realgojira i dont need maths and stats advice from you i have done it to degree level, if you do an analysis of my results using full statistical analysis you would find the remarkable thing is how closely my results are mirrored by what you would expect me to get (ie you would expect more outliers by statistical distribution than you get) and if you add that to the fact that i have centipawn loss in the games of a grandmaster even though i often get into complex positions and also i sacrifice lots of material in 8+ move (16 plies)combinations also. and my opponents all play like grandmasters accrding to centipawn loss while they average 1650 elo rating ecf(english chess federation rating).


@realgojira this all adds up to the fact they are not letting me play humans only computers which would explain my atrocious results


Incredible and marvelous!!!


@jankogajdoskoFM just call me jude, hey jude...bellingham

cap78red wrote:

i am icc fischer the games against nigel were blitz and online-here is one of my latest rapidplay tournaments a performance rating of 2427 from chess results

beating 1600's is nothing. come play with us 1900's and you wil be crushed

nov04-inactive wrote:
cap78red wrote:

i am icc fischer the games against nigel were blitz and online-here is one of my latest rapidplay tournaments a performance rating of 2427 from chess results

beating 1600's is nothing. come play with us 1900's and you wil be crushed

Dont you see? He is Great Bobby Fischer incarnate! Bobby was best player in existence and rivaled AI of today. Madness consumed him, such brilliant was his mind. A true Chess cadre, Most powerfull of them all. Surpassing Likes of you and me of 1000 fold.


@nov04-inactive why arent you playing me then play me in a proper live blitz game

I will trounce you


@jankogajdoskoFM i am not knowingly bobby though there are a lot of similarities in our lives but i ws 1 yo in 1972


@BaphometsChess you say you are satan but god is my friend


@doyouexistyet hello , do you have no friends too


check out my last game for a brilliant finish queen sac

cap78red wrote:

@realgojira i dont need maths and stats advice from you i have done it to degree level,

Apparently you do. The analysis I gave was of your OTB games. No computers. No "centipawn loss at depth" garbage. Nowhere to hide. You are simply a class player. Like I've said elsewhere, that's ok. Just own it. You never played Short much less beat him. You might have a good cherry-picked game here and there, just like (actual) statistics would predict. But you do yourself a disservice to put those best games forward as your "normal" performance. Everyone here's a chessplayer. We know better.

RealGojira wrote:
cap78red wrote:

@realgojira i dont need maths and stats advice from you i have done it to degree level,

Apparently you do. The analysis I gave was of your OTB games. No computers. No "centipawn loss at depth" garbage. Nowhere to hide. You are simply a class player. Like I've said elsewhere, that's ok. Just own it. You never played Short much less beat him. You might have a good cherry-picked game here and there, just like (actual) statistics would predict. But you do yourself a disservice to put those best games forward as your "normal" performance. Everyone here's a chessplayer. We know better.

check out my best moves on my website