The majority of's puzzles are SO stupid!
I've read other posts so I know that it's not just me! The majority of's puzzles are SO stupid! The only difficult ones always seem to be these stupid computer generated positions with some subtlety that most humans will not see and that would NEVER EVER actually occur in a real game! Tonight I'm wondering why I'm wasting my time looking at these! The first dozen puzzles or so are stupid usually mates in one or back rank mates (or some other ridiculous simple win). But then they follow them up with stupid computer generated puzzles that no one would ever deal with in a real game.
Like... ?
I found that the majority of puzzles up to the 2700 rated ones are quite gamelike. The only ones I would complain about are the queen and pawn endgames, where one side has to play check check check check and then the opponent drops his queen.
I've read other posts so I know that it's not just me! The majority of's puzzles are SO stupid! The only difficult ones always seem to be these stupid computer generated positions with some subtlety that most humans will not see and that would NEVER EVER actually occur in a real game! Tonight I'm wondering why I'm wasting my time looking at these! The first dozen puzzles or so are stupid usually mates in one or back rank mates (or some other ridiculous simple win). But then they follow them up with stupid computer generated puzzles that no one would ever deal with in a real game.
Most of the tactics are from actual games, not computer generated. But it sounds like you're talking about Rush, which starts with easy puzzles.
I would argue that it is because 99% of the chess community is bad at chess and not because the positions are stupid.
I agree with the donkey. It's an easy win for White provided they spot the stalemate. All they need to do is force the queen exchange and promote. The Black king is stranded and powerless to defend. The knight is a red herring and the position is easier to win without it. It's a well structured puzzle designed to teach you to check for stalemate.
I've read other posts so I know that it's not just me! The majority of's puzzles are SO stupid! The only difficult ones always seem to be these stupid computer generated positions with some subtlety that most humans will not see and that would NEVER EVER actually occur in a real game! Tonight I'm wondering why I'm wasting my time looking at these! The first dozen puzzles or so are stupid usually mates in one or back rank mates (or some other ridiculous simple win). But then they follow them up with stupid computer generated puzzles that no one would ever deal with in a real game.
I do get those weird ones sometimes, but on rated puzzles, its normally human like stuff.(speaking as a 2100 on puzzles)
I've read other posts so I know that it's not just me! The majority of's puzzles are SO stupid! The only difficult ones always seem to be these stupid computer generated positions with some subtlety that most humans will not see and that would NEVER EVER actually occur in a real game! Tonight I'm wondering why I'm wasting my time looking at these! The first dozen puzzles or so are stupid usually mates in one or back rank mates (or some other ridiculous simple win). But then they follow them up with stupid computer generated puzzles that no one would ever deal with in a real game.
I somewhat disagree. I am 2800 puzzles, and some of them are actually quite hard. But a lot of them are very easy... you would find these kind of puzzles of beginners who just started playing
there are NO stupid problems just stupid people
you are one of those stupid people becuase stupid problems do exist
there is an analysis button right there. trust me, the computer is always going to be right when it comes to tactics
I've read other posts so I know that it's not just me! The majority of's puzzles are SO stupid! The only difficult ones always seem to be these stupid computer generated positions with some subtlety that most humans will not see and that would NEVER EVER actually occur in a real game! Tonight I'm wondering why I'm wasting my time looking at these! The first dozen puzzles or so are stupid usually mates in one or back rank mates (or some other ridiculous simple win). But then they follow them up with stupid computer generated puzzles that no one would ever deal with in a real game.
im 3000 puzzles and while the puzzles are difficult and frustrating a decent amount of the time, after i see the solution it's usually fairly obvious why it is right. in general, it's safe to assume that the computer, which is the better than anyone ever, is correct rather than you. i sometimes get frustrated at daily puzzles though for the opposition taking a bad path, though i get why does it because it needs to showcase the queen sac or whatever it is.
I've read other posts so I know that it's not just me! The majority of's puzzles are SO stupid! The only difficult ones always seem to be these stupid computer generated positions with some subtlety that most humans will not see and that would NEVER EVER actually occur in a real game! Tonight I'm wondering why I'm wasting my time looking at these! The first dozen puzzles or so are stupid usually mates in one or back rank mates (or some other ridiculous simple win). But then they follow them up with stupid computer generated puzzles that no one would ever deal with in a real game.