
The fake puzzles to make them.


1. Open the puzzle.

2. Solve it in your head as long as you want (you can use chess engine too, for hardest ones).

3. Close puzzle page.

4. Open puzzle page again. The same puzzle will be reloaded with zero time.

5. Solve the puzzle in real this time. You will get maximum score.

P.s. To the developers: The only way to make the fool to act is by force. 

The site will soon cotton on , to what your doing and take the appropriate action against you . It’s cheating ! 🤨

the fellow with 65000 didn't cheat.


No, they will not. I give them chance to make puzzle score right and relevant to players skills. If they do some actions against me, for this reason, I will be glad to leave their site. And No, I don't use the method above. I solve puzzles here for joy. I don't care about the score system as form of competition, but only as mean for personal development comparison. And I can't use it, because such puzzle score system don't exist here. I hope they will listen to me and make efforts to make one that is usefull to me and rest of the players that are not cheaters.

GabeMiami10 wrote:

the fellow with 65000 didn't cheat.

Let's me tell you something about chess. It is mainly pattern memorization and recognition. This man has ELO of low to middle class chess player. If he has such abilities to do 65000 on puzzles where speed is matter belive me he will be above 2400 ELO. On the top they all are cheaters. And I can tell you exactly how they do it, using weaknesses in site. Russian, Chinese and Indians are people that don't ashamed from cheating. They don't care about their real capabilities. They care about how others people seem them. And believe me, they are willing to put such unhuman efforts to cheat, that if they put these efforts in real development of skills they will not be far away from cheating state they pretend to be. And known that they are cheaters but do nothing because they pay their subscription to them.