
''The Chinese Wall''


KyanBui. How you can take the rook on e1????


Great, Sam Loyd would be glad! happy.png


pfren wrote:
DanielGXXX έγραψε:
IMRonilm1204 wrote:

horrible puzzle. complete nonsense that should be deleted

Well, it is weird that black did not just take with the pawn, so I agree

White wins by force, whether Black accepts the offered material, or not.

True, use stockfish. Actually, this is easy enough that you can easily see that white can sacrifice his or her queen.

Sushsbhat wrote:

A worst puzzle!!

The chess pieces are also worst like the puzzle!

Agreed with@imronilm1204

U R bigist nub zat Y me no frind u





What the hell?


This puzzle was designed to test the capabilities of chess engines. It is not all that interesting for human players. It was posted here several times over the past years.


The Chinese wall got its name from the Great Wall of China, the impervious structure erected in ancient times to protect China from its enemies


This puzzle has an interesting history. I composed it in 1981 and it has not been solved by computer yet. Indeed Stockfish 10 cannot solve it given unlimited time.

Paul Lamford




I am the composer, and the full solution is on the page Grotesque (chess) - Wikipedia

It still cannot be solved by Stockfish, over 40 years after I composed it. It was published by the late Eric Schiller in Chess America in 1981.

gampas wrote:

I am the composer, and the full solution is on the page Grotesque (chess) - Wikipedia

It still cannot be solved by Stockfish, over 40 years after I composed it. It was published by the late Eric Schiller in Chess America in 1981.

Hi Paul,

I think Stockfish can solve your study now (at least versions 13, 14.1, 15, and Stockfish 16) as well as Stockfish derivatives like Shashchess. Your study has a dual in it where the win can be achieved in a way other than the official solution starting with the first move 1.Rg2 which also leads to a win in a similar manner to the official solution.

I must admit though that if you go with Stockfish 12 or earlier then Stockfish seems to struggle with it.

Here is Stockfish 13 from Feb 19, 2021 solving it in 11 seconds with the 1.Rg2 variation that is also winning:

And here is a screenshot of my GUI:

