


Hello all,

Can someone please explain how can this be considered stalemate when I would win in my next move (white)?

Thank you.

jayfjunior wrote:

Hello all,

Can someone please explain how can this be considered stalemate when I would win in my next move (white)?

Thank you.

Every turn, a player has to make a move. If it is their turn to move and they are not in check and they have no legal moves, that is a draw by stalemate.



Thanks for the link. However, there is still something that I don't understand.

The rule says:

"Stalemate is a kind of draw that happens when one side has NO legal moves to make. If the king is NOT in check, but no piece can be moved without putting the king in check, then the game will end with a stalemate draw."

But is not that the definition of check? When the king cannot make any legal moves, meaning the King is stuck? Furthermore, moving my Queen from Qa1 to Qh8 would check the black King, it is a legal move and would put the black King in check, ending the game, right?

Sorry, but it doesn't make sense to me, at all. happy.png

Thanks again.


~~But is not that the definition of check? When the king cannot make any legal moves, meaning the King is stuck? ~~

Check is when a King is threatened by a piece. Then the threat (attack) must be stopped. Blocking the threat, capture of the attacking piece, or moving the King out of harms way. When an attack cannot be blocked, the attacking piece cannot be captured, or the King is unable to move anywhere that it is not in check then it is check mate.

~~Furthermore, moving my Queen from Qa1 to Qh8 would check the black King is a legal move and would put the black King in check, ending the game, right?~~

Wrong. It is not a legal move, because it is not your turn to move! You only get to make one move per turn! It is Blacks turn to move with no other piece to move, and is unable to move the King without putting himself in check, and he is not in check (under attack). = stalemate


A stalemate in chess is a type of draw that occurs when a player has no legal moves and their king is not in check. This usually happens when one side has limited pieces left and all possible moves would place their king in check, leaving no legal options. In this situation, the game ends immediately, and neither player wins.


Chess is a many faceted game.

The rules of stalemate have been correctly applied here. If it does not make sense read the rules again.


Hi bigD521 and all, thanks for the replies.

bidD521, I meant to say "check mate", not check.



The queen in corner is closing the house below the king and the queen close of the king is closing the others houses

The black can't move and the king isn't in check
The black king is not in check
Had you promoted to a rook you would be fine, because black’s king would have a legal move