
So many people seem like bad sports these days.


Why is it that almost no one says GG anymore at the end of the game? I thought that was part of being a good sport to say it but am really wondering why it seems there are so many people that just don't say it anymore. I remember when I first joined back in 2011 it was very commonplace to get a Good Game or a GG at the end of the game, win or lose, from your opponent. 

I don't know why it bugs me so much, but I am starting to wonder if I should just give up and join the masses in no longer saying GG at the end of a game. Ok, I am done ranting, sorry everyone. 


Maybe you aren't playing good games.


Oh, I did not realize I had to earn that GG that I give so willingly to others lol.


There are several reasons. I copy what I already said somewhere:

1) Most people simply experience the site as a place to consume their daily ration of chess and that's it. 2) Many turn the chat off to avoid having unpleasant experiences with the many rude players 3) Many don't say anything because whatever you say, someone always misunderstands.

Don't get angry. At the end of the game, when I lose, I always say "Good job", or "Well played", but almost no one ever responds. When I win, practically no one compliments me. It’s not a drama.


As said, many turn chat off due to the idiots one here, I turned mine back on the other day and had a message of " you only won due to pure dumb luck " then repeated with similar then had the cheek to offer a rematch !


I understand it can be so frustrating that your opponent does not say nice words to you at the game. Im quiting chess because of this rudeness and now Im gonna cry.


Oh boy, no one said anything about quitting chess lol. Just wondering what happened to everyone's manners is all.