
Resign vs checkmate. What are your stats and ideas?


I was just looking at my stats page and noticed my wins by resignation or checkmate are very different from my losses by resignation or checkmate.

These are my stats, based on around 880 rapid games.

Wins by... Losses by...







So the first thing to notice is that I lose on time more than I win on time, which is in line with how I play: I prefer playing the best move over time advantage/disadvantage.

And I resign way more than my opponents, getting checkmated less often. But my time management could explain why I resign more than my opponents. When I’m in a losing position, I’m usually also behind on time, making my position borderline hopeless. Thus resigning makes sense. Also, the other way around, when I’m winning on the board, but behind on time, I still need to find the mate in time. So my opponent makes me play until mate, which also makes sense.

Anyway, made me wonder if I need to adjust my time management strategy. What are your stats and do you have thoughts on what are “good stats” or some benchmark numbers?


Maybe you could play increment games such as 15/10 rapid, if you have time. Also, if you want to improve your blitz rating, but you don't want to be rushed, you could play 5/5 blitz. I probably shouldn't be giving you tips because of my lower rating and less experience, but I hope I helped.


Interesting stuff, thanks for sharing.  I checked mine and didn't find the same unbalance. Your analysis seems convincing, i'd say (without any expertise on the topic) that nearly 20% timeout losses is indeed a bit high. Shucklesquad's advice to play with time increment makes sense, I think.



Never resign. I have won games when I'm down pieces and opponent is low on time and end up running their clock down. Also many times opponent make a blunder and I get a stalemate



Win by resignation ~40%
Loss by resignation ~20%

Even in OTB games I tend to resign late, and since anything can happen in blitz, my position has to be really  miserable before I resign.

Piglemon wrote:

Never resign. I have won games when I'm down pieces and opponent is low on time and end up running their clock down. Also many times opponent make a blunder and I get a stalemate


It depends on whether your rating points or your time management is the priority.


When I do play on I am usually trying to salvage a possible significant rating loss, but most of the time I would not try and defend a losing position because I would waste many more minutes trying to save something uncertain. Even if I do end up winning, time would be lost.

Duckfest wrote:

I was just looking at my stats page and noticed my wins by resignation or checkmate are very different from my losses by resignation or checkmate.

These are my stats, based on around 880 rapid games.





A loss by timeout percentage of 20% seems unusual for rapid games considering that time trouble is not a significant issue in rapid games. At least that's my thought, even if others do not agree with me.


A better target to that is approximately 5%.


But of course, I am assuming that out of 880 rapid games, you lost around 300 to 400 of them (and perhaps drew 50), so you would probably lose roughly 70 games by timeout. This statistics is also important because 20% might itself be misleading (if you only lost 5 games out of 880, then only 1 game would be lost by timeout and I would have made a flawed comparison).


I lose by time also very often myself too...


As you can see from my stats (post #5) I resign when I'm beaten. I don't try to win by stalling.


I too like to think myself out of wins. My losses by timeout this week are almost 50% 😐. 


How do u check dis?

Ellbruh wrote:

How do u check dis?

Go into your profile, select the type of game (eg: Rapid), click "Full Stats". Look down at the bottom.
