


What is it with people who feel like you 'owe' them a rematch if they lose? Sometimes I'm in the mood to play consecutive games, other times I want to review the game I just played, and other times I might just feel like taking a break, or, heaven forbid, I might actually have something else to do besides play chess. In any case chess is competitive game and it is likely that someone will win and someone will lose. If you can't handle that you might want to find a different hobby. That being said, I like to think of chess players as being gentlemen and good sportsmen, at least publicly. Keep the trash talking and whining to yourself or your group of friends, if that's what you do. Thank you!


I have to agree. Along with what you said about wanting to review a game or having something else to do, sometimes I simply don't want to play the same player again.

It bugs me how players will call you a coward for not rematching them, but I try to just let it roll off. Don't let it get you down!


Some people are children, mentally if not by age.  The idea of having to rematch a random opponent on a chess server containing many thousands of players is ridiculous, whatever the result of the first match.


Yep right, When they starts complaining it sounds like: "M͟O͟M͟M͟Y͟ T͟H͟E͟Y͟ W͟O͟N͟T͟ P͟L͟A͟Y͟ A͟G͟A͟I͟N͟ W͟I͟T͟H͟ M͟E͟!! C͟R͟I͟E͟S͟ 😥"


Well, I'll keep that in mind then about winning with white.


People generally get paired 50/50 white and black.  If you lose a game with white it just means you probably get white against your next random opponent, there is no reason why it needs to be the same opponent.  The idea that it is "sportsmanship" may make sense on an over the board game, but on the internet people need to get a better idea of what counts as sportsmanship.


Sportmanship, i hate that word

FireAndLightz wrote:

Sportmanship, i hate that word


Although technically you misspelled it.


No, I was just to lazy to type the whole correct word

FireAndLightz wrote:

No, I was just to lazy to type the whole correct word

So you decided to omit one letter? Gee, that must have saved you a lot of work!


If I'm open to re-match I stay connected few moments at the end to give the opp a chance to invite me. I rarely ask for re-match, win or lose, white or black. I enjoy a good game, win or lose. Heck I played yesterday with a higher rated player, lost (of course) and played another (losing game). But I enjoyed how we played... friended each other so we can play another match later.

On the other hand, if the opp starts chatting too much, delays during the game and so on, I dissapear as soon as game is over. In OTB we would shake hands (people still do that, right?), but this ain't OTB...

Just my $0.02



haven't I read too many threads from those gripers who sulk because you don't give losers a rematch 

FirebrandX wrote:
glamdring27 wrote:

The idea that it is "sportsmanship" may make sense on an over the board game, but on the internet people need to get a better idea of what counts as sportsmanship.

I'm talking about if you WIN on the white side. It is generally considered the fair thing to do to allow you opponent a chance on the white side as well, regardless of online or in person. Some players will only play as white, and they often find themselves getting put on no play lists.

And remember none of this is saying you MUST do one thing or another. This is just discussing the polite thing to do, providing you're online to play more than just one game of chess.

I see a lot of people post stuff like "Only plays white" on people's notes.  Every time that I look at the person's stats they have 50/50 white/black.  Just because someone only plays one white game doesn't mean they only play white.  Against another opponent they will play only one game as black, but nobody ever posts "Only plays black".

There is no such thing as sportsmanship in fast live chess.  Maybe in longer live chess or online chess if you chat to your opponent, but not bullet or blitz.  The chess server exists precisely to be able to pair people with a random opponent from the thousands out there.  If two people both want a rematch they are more than entitled to do so, but it isn't right or wrong to not want a rematch, whether white or black, win or lose.  I have almost as good a record with black as white so the colour is really not relevant to whether I rematch or not!


True that you don't HAVE to give a rematch. It is your choice to be a gentleman or not or to be a good sport by giving a rematch. I have requested to create a room where games are always played in paires so that people who feel that it is proper sportsmanship to play both sides will have that opportunity. Why anyone feels that sportsmanship is not proper online is beyond me. I assume those are the same type of people who feel manners are not proper online as well.


Allowing a rematch is nothing to do with sportsmanship.  In most cases of the people requiring one it is a motivation of petty revenge.  An online opponent is just a faceless individual, not someone sat opposite you at a table.  You play black against one player and then you most likely get white against the next.  Getting a rematch against the same opponent is irrelevant.


Who said it had anything to do with my reason for "skirting" a 2nd game?  I don't care what my opponent's motives are for requesting one, I just commented that petty revenge on their part is often the motivation.

I don't accept replays when I win, I don't accept replays when I lose, I don't accept replays if it was an iteresting game or a boring game or if my opponent is English, Belgian, Martian, born on a Tuesday, male, female, old, young, or whatever.  Most of all I don't give a tinker's cuss what colour I was playing when I consider (or rather don't consider) accepting a replay.  At the level most of us oiks play there is little difference between playing White or Black.  My record is very similar with both.

I just play a game of chess, then I either stop playing because I have other things to do or I ask the server to pair me up with another opponent.


petty revenge... lol some people feel like they could have beaten you and want a chance to prove it. I say, you should have brought your best game the first time. life doesn't always offer 2nd chances. I might offer a 2nd game when I feel like it. I might decide to quit while I'm ahead and let you stew about your missed opportunity. I think its funny to watch people go ballistic because you owe them something they don't deserve.