
Plateau help for 1550+


Hello chess people..... its another "help, review my games" post

I reached 1500 rapid a few months ago and was very happy with this and crept all the way up to 1594. Since then, I've been hovering around 1550 - 1590. I think I am at a plateau, can anyone help give ideas on how to progress and hopefully breakthrough 1600?


Learn more openings, watch more videos, play more positional chess and meditate


I'm still only playing two openings


How about you play 4 openings...


i heard taking hanging pieces is enough for 2200+


My rating went from 1400 to 1500 after I switched from 15 | 10 to 30 minute games, my brain clearly benefits from more thinking time!


Congrats on hitting 1500 and pushing towards 1600! When I hit a similar plateau, I found ChessMood to be super helpful. They have some great courses and daily lessons that really helped me understand the game better and improve my tactics. Plus, their community is awesome for getting feedback on your games. Give it a shot, and I'm sure you'll see some improvement. Good luck on breaking through 1600! 😊

Link to ChessMood:

Good Luck,


As I said elsewhere - It's not that complicated: "hi, I decide for myself, I'm ahead of elijah who is ahead of Jesus who connects with e to be less judgmental than the Bible, that's all"

You need to stop doing the stuff you're currently doing and try something else when you hit a plateau

Trokly34 wrote:

Congrats on hitting 1500 and pushing towards 1600! When I hit a similar plateau, I found ChessMood to be super helpful. They have some great courses and daily lessons that really helped me understand the game better and improve my tactics. Plus, their community is awesome for getting feedback on your games. Give it a shot, and I'm sure you'll see some improvement. Good luck on breaking through 1600! 😊

Link to ChessMood:

Good Luck,


Thanks! I’ll try it out!

Get to 1700