
Pawn takes Queen?


This is Game 1 from "Logical Chess" by Irving Chernev.

At move 17 White's King is trapped. Can the pawn on f2 take the Queen on g3?


No because it's illegal to make a move that results in your king being attacked. After pawn takes queen black's bishop would be attacking white's king.


The bishop.


The technical term is "pin."

We'd say "the pawn is pinned by the bishop."


But with the Queen eliminated, couldn't the King take the Bishop?

By the way, "Logical Chess" is an excellent book for casual players like myself who want to start playing chess for real.


That's not a reasonable question. No one can force you to understand, you need to do some thinking about the position on your own.

The rule is you can't make a move that results in your king being attacked.


I'm sorry my question doesn't seem reasonable to you, I'm here trying to learn. Okay, so considering that I'm not all that much of a chess player, here's how I'm seeing it. Pawn takes Queen, Bishop moves down to G1, Rook takes Bishop. No?


No I've been playing chess for a long time, but only started taking it more seriously about 4 or so years ago. Started reading books and joined