
One of the most frustrating things about daily chess...


Another example, I have just drawn a 2100 at Daily, and on this site too. And he got lucky Im just a 1700/1800 and I fumbled the win:

Gottfried94 wrote:

Nope. In daily chess you won't get banned for anything. I've played people cheating, 50 games winning streak, 99 accuracy all games, 1700 daily rating (800 rapid rating), I reported them, saved their names to check on them later. They all still happily playing and winning to this day at 1900-2100 daily rating already crushing some titled players. Sometimes they blunder a game in opening, resign early to end the winning streak and that's it. is not banning any cheater for any daily game, questionably for any other live game either but I don't play as often anymore so hard to say. Still... Daily is good for improvement, even if you are match against a cheater, at least you got time and space to do your best.

I've seen many players banned for cheating in daily. I've even seen titled players banned for cheating in daily (although those bans were generally not public).

A recent example of a ban for a daily cheater is @lisandroes. Another is @verystormyonion.




One bad thing about daily chess is that I can accidentally burn my breakfast while I’m playing it 😂


Well, you could do that in rapid too...
