
On Chess Intuition. Harvard Professor Says It's Rubbish


Let's talk that intangible, ethereal thing!


"It's intuition first, then calculation,"Gary Kasparov

“Intuition is the immediate awareness of position, but this is difficult to explain logically,"Vladimir Kramnik

"Intuition is the first move I see in position,"Vishy Anand

"It’s hard to explain, sometimes a move just feels right,"Magnus Carlsen

"Sasha, you calculate variations excellently, but you really must work on your intuition,"Misha Tal, the magician from Riga, advised GM Beliavsky, the 1974 USSR ch co-winner (with Tal)

For Tal, the main argument for choosing a move habitually was, "Я так чувствую, это хорошо!" This is good, I feel it.

"In my memory, Tal was the only player who didn’t calculate long variations; instead, he simply saw the resulting positions," —Kasparov

After each game, Tal would pour out variations, which he had presumably calculated during the game. GM Rafael Vagnian once joked that these were all variations thought up by Tal after the game had finished, since they simply supported the evaluation of each resulting position, which he had indeed seen, —Aleksandr Beliavsky, Secrets of Chess Intuition


And now, Trrr-Ra-Ta-Ta-Ta, a research psychologist and cognitive scientist, Harvard Professor PhD, and NM USCF, Christopher Chabris' book title,

The Invisible Gorilla: And Other Ways Our Intuitions DECEIVE Us crycrycry


What, dear?! Professor, what did you just say? 



“Science is more than a body of knowledge. It is a way of thinking; a way of skeptically interrogating the universe with a fine understanding of human fallibility.

"If we are not able to ask skeptical questions, to interrogate those who tell us that something is true, to be skeptical of those in authority, then, we are up for grabs for the next charlatan (political or religious) who comes rambling along.”Carl Sagan



Chess Intuitions helps in Bullet Games


It needs to be honed through experience, supported by calculation and questioned rigorously when in doubt. As Carl Sagan said, skeptical interrogation is crucial—not just in science but in chess, too.


If you follow intuition your GM plays and try to copy them, then you always lose to that GM. Always find exception to their intuition