
My elo is stuck

My elo has been stuck at around the 200 point since the last month. I know the basic principles like controlling the center and a few openings

Learn the fried liver attack and learn how to defend against scholars mate and anylize your lost games learn queens gambit and karo kan or Sicilian defense


#2 I think the Sicilian is a bit complex


And I know the Queen's Gambit and Carro Kann, French Defence


I have been playing since last month


I have anylize one of your lost games and i see your still doing the scholars mate stop doing it if you want to get better you should do 5 puzzle a day and look for tactics at the middle game


i recommend studying fundamental endgames. even if you are losing before reaching the endgame, having the confidence to trade off pieces because you know how to play the endgame will go far.


a list of endgames to study, including some you may know already: king and 1 queen vs king, king and 1 rook vs king, king and 1 pawn vs king, king and 1 pawn vs king and 1 pawn, king and 1 queen vs king and 1 pawn on the seventh rank, king and 2 bishops vs king, king and 1 rook vs king, 1 rook and 1 pawn, king and 1 queen vs king and 1 rook etc.


Thanks @cheas_prince89

happpynessssss wrote:
My elo has been stuck at around the 200 point since the last month. I know the basic principles like controlling the center and a few openings

You claim to know opening principles "and a few openings", but you don't seem to use them. See the game below.

More important though is to use your head. Don't make random moves without thinking.

Please look at this game and explain it:


I looked at 5 of your losses. A rating of 200 seems about right. You make many beginner mistakes, including: moving your queen out in move 2, moving pieces a second Tome before developing all your pieces, moving flank pawns instead of developing pieces, hanging material, not capturing free material, and others. You lost one game even after your opponent gave you a free queen. 

I recommend that you NOT play blitz. Or bullet games since those do not give you time to think. Look at some videos that explain why a master thinks. Play over some master games. Those will teach you much more than playing speed chess against other beginners.


Thanks Everyone


What do you guys think of this game?

happpynessssss wrote:

What do you guys think of this game?

Very very bad.

The opening and the middle game are full of obvious blunders by both sides that even beginners should not make. Black throws away a bishop, then white blunders the queen (and black doesn't notice), than black blunders a rook, then white blunders a knight etc.

In the endgame, black is up 2 knights and 3 pawns, and somehow manages to not win. Fascinating.

Both sides should try to pay attention to the game next time. Avoiding obvious blunders like those are well within the reach of anyone, even beginners.


Have you tried turning it off & back on?


Practice simple puzzles. You can do them on this site or another one or buy a beginner puzzle book. Once you are consistently able to spot which squares are safe and which are not, your rating will go up a lot.


I am black

What about this game

KevinOSh wrote:

Practice simple puzzles. You can do them on this site or another one or buy a beginner puzzle book. Once you are consistently able to spot which squares are safe and which are not, your rating will go up a lot"



Learn and apply the most important principles of chess.
Always blunder-check your moves.
Solve tactics in the right way.
Analyze your games.
Study games of strong players.
Learn how to be more psychologically resilient.
Work on your time management skills.
Get a coach if you can.

Just do puzzles, at 200 the thing that decides the game is who hangs less pieces and who spots more hanging pieces. Also do NOT learn the Sicilian, it’s very complex and impossible for a 200 to play, although at that rating it probably doesn’t really matter what opening you play