
Most famous person you ever played chess against.


Hmm, i had a chance to play Nigel Davies but I decided against it.

:( Regret!

I am going to play against Anand(In Vote Chess! :P)


GM Colin McNab (Scotland) - I entered a small blitz tournament many years ago and got paired against him in the first round.  Brutal lesson.  I still accuse the tournament organiser of fixing the first round draw; he was a friend of mine and I would not believe him when he said it was "just the way it worked out".


I played IM Danny Rensch of the Shelby school in otb


Played a simul against Alex Lenderman a few years ago at All The Kings Men Chess Club in Pitman, NJ. He ground me down in a Maroczy structure. Quite a nice Chess experience. He is all class.


Havent played chess much other than on this site. I played IM David Pruess a while back and didnt do too bad. Of course i lost but i didnt get demolished.


Bent Larsen (simul-drew) Roman Dzin (lost)Asa Hoffman (lost)jay bonin (drew)


Malakhov. Lost. in a simul.


Jude Acers--and I won!


I played Nicolas Rossolimo hundreds of games when he had has chess studio in NYC. I won two or three games. I played Max Euwe once in a simultaneous and lost. I played a top Russian (Soviet?) grandmaster in a simultzaneous about thirty years ago and drew -- I can't think of his name right now.

joeydvivre wrote:

The thread needs to be stopped here.  "Who is the most famous?"  Ans: "I can't think of his name right now."


joeydvivre wrote:

The thread needs to be stopped here.  "Who is the most famous?"  Ans: "I can't think of his name right now."

No, we need to start another sub-thread: Guess the guy he's thinking of before he remembers.  I am going with Bogolubov.


Hey! Anybody here ever play against guitarzan? He's famous - somebody even named a song after him!    Innocent


How many have ever beat a gm not simul? [has to be at chess]




Excellent games, especially the first one. Black kept up the tempo and the pressure throughout the game and never allowed the GM a chance to settle and play his own game.

@ponz, I've beaten a GM in 1/0 bullet if that counts Laughing


Morphy, Fischer, Capablanca, and Kasparov all fell at my hand!  Mwa ha ha ha ha!

No, there are no GM's, IM's, or even FM's in Small Town, Missouri USA.


I drew some Nms in a simul but in normal chess... well I was playing with an Im and suddenly won a pawn... It was board 1 of a large tournament... i thought it was a trap... but took it, and then left the board... was very anxious... he just let the pawn be taken (I finally blundered a mate in 4 in a dead draw endgame where he had regained the pawn but...)

JoseO wrote:

Maybe they fell cause they were laughing so hard?

Very possible.  Some how I won with this opening in all of those games, but none of them played Qh4...


I played Kasparov once...

It wasn't pretty.


Shiva Maharaj