
Kings Indian Defense vs Nimzo Indian Defense


I am looking for an opening against 1.d4 I'm only 1100 elo on rapid. What do you think will be best for me? Also if you know the ideas and differences between both openings that would be appreciated too. I am playing the London system and the caro kann against e4. So I need an opening for 1.d4


The nimzo indian is a lot more concrete than the KID, although both have a similar opening philosophy, which is to control the center through mostly restriction and not occupation. It is not an easy philosophy to put into practice.

Do the Dutch I played someone with it and they just resigned on move two lol
Nice Nimzo
Caro players often play slav or semi slav (d5, e6, c6, Nf6, Nbd7 etc.)


"I'm only 1100 elo on rapid" ++ Then do not worry about openings.
You do not win or lose because of the opening, but because of tactical mistakes.

"I am playing the London system and the caro kann against e4"
++ Then Slav Defense 1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 is most similar.

"Kings Indian Defense vs Nimzo Indian Defense"
++ Both are hard to play correctly.
 The Nimzovich Indian Defense is more sound than the King's Indian Defense.
The Nimzovich Indian Defense often loses the bishop's pair and gives white a strong center.
The King's Indian Defense gives white a strong queen's side attack.