@MaetsNori -
You are correct.
The tier list video I posted earlier by GM Hikaru & IM Levy Rozman pertained to openings in terms of their appropriateness for beginners. They make that clear in the title of that video and their commentary throughout the video. I posted it here because the OP of this thread is (according to his/her rating) apparently a beginner/novice. IMO their choice of the word "garbage" for openings they deemed to be least inappropriate was unfortunate.
They (GM Hikaru) posted similar videos for Intermediate and GM players...here is the entire series...
Chess Openings Tier Lists by GM Hikaru and IM Levi Roxman (GothamChess)...
GM Nakumura and IM Levy Rozman (aka 'GothamChess') say London System "Legendary"...(@30:30 of video)...
Them putting the London as the second-best opening of all must be considered in context.
The tier-list video was apparently made for beginners, specifically for those who watch Levy's stream. I'd characterize those players as those who are looking to jump into chess via the path of least resistance. Learning a repetitive system seems to fit the bill.
Top-tier openings, such as the English and the Najdorf were put into the "Really, bro?" category, third from the bottom. And the Caro-Kann Advance was listed as "Garbage" ...
So it seems pretty clear that the list was made for reasons other than objectivity. I'm thinking it's categorized by amount of theory or chess understanding needed to play well ... so the more difficult or complex openings will get listed further down - alongside the more dubious ones.
I'm confident that as beginners, both Nakamura and Rozman did not start by learning the London. They learned 1.e4 first - I'd bet money on it.
I think that Rozman is very bright (based on watching his performance in discussion with Lex Fridman https://youtu.be/iSMpTmibeDw?si=rqXnZIYAEm5M_grn) and he knows how to build an audience. In the process of making Gotham chess a top channel, he has pitched his appeal to lazy players who will never advance very far.