
Is it disrespectful to flag a person in chess?


I have flagged people and gotten flagged many times. Personally, I do not think it is unethical, but what are your opinions and the reasons? Do you think it is okay for a person to win via flagging?


If they are having internet problems and i wont lose loads of points i usually offer a draw

RainingPawns28 wrote:

I have flagged people and gotten flagged many times. Personally, I do not think it is unethical, but what are your opinions and the reasons? Do you think it is okay for a person to win via flagging?

The ability to manage your alloted time is one of the key aspects of the game.

A chess player who complains that he only lost because he ran out of time is like an automobile driver who insists that he only had an accident because he was drunk.


When i was 1000 i was winning 2bishops and 3 pawns for 4 pawns against a 1700 and he flagged me with mate in 5 and 0.4 secs on his clock

blueemu wrote:
RainingPawns28 wrote:

I have flagged people and gotten flagged many times. Personally, I do not think it is unethical, but what are your opinions and the reasons? Do you think it is okay for a person to win via flagging?

The ability to manage your alloted time is one of the key aspects of the game.

A chess player who complains that he only lost because he ran out of time is like an automobile driver who insists that he only had an accident because he was drunk.

Terrible comparison but i get the idea

Thechezzbozz wrote:
blueemu wrote:
RainingPawns28 wrote:

I have flagged people and gotten flagged many times. Personally, I do not think it is unethical, but what are your opinions and the reasons? Do you think it is okay for a person to win via flagging?

The ability to manage your alloted time is one of the key aspects of the game.

A chess player who complains that he only lost because he ran out of time is like an automobile driver who insists that he only had an accident because he was drunk.

Terrible comparison but i get the idea

I think the comparison is quite apt. In both cases, the person complaining was screwed over by their own irresponsibility.

A chess player is responsible for managing his use of time. A driver is responsible for staying sober.


whatever lol


ye but ur a cm you can make an educated guess what the opponent will do i run my king in circles 


Flagging in chess refers to the act of winning (or drawing) a game on time. ... The term flagging is an allusion to analog chess clocks that have flags in their displays that fall whenever a player runs out of time.

If a person runs out of time, that is his/her fault. It has nothing to do with the opponent. So, to flag is not at all unethical in chess. happy.png


Even in 30 minutes rapid games, it's fully acceptable. Time management is important. I did end up once in a king+rook versus king+rook ending with 2 minutes left for me and 5 for my opponent. I did not blame him for trying, but I got to a draw via the 50 moves without capture rule in time.


What is flagging? I am not sure I understand.


RussianDeflector wrote:

What is flagging? I am not sure I understand.

When your opponent runs out of time before you do.

It mainly happens in 3min blitz or lower time control




I personally don't like getting flagged, but if you have experienced anything that I have (I play short blitz games) then it is pretty common. 

RainingPawns28 wrote:
RussianDeflector wrote:

What is flagging? I am not sure I understand.


Flagging is when you purposefully make moves to run your opponent’s clock down. It is very common in online bullet or blitz chess, especially games with no increment. There are many forms of flagging. Most of them occurs when a person’s opponent is low on time, e.g. only five seconds left on the clock. The person may attempt to flag him opponent by, let’s say, running his king in circles. However, due to premoves requiring only 0.1 seconds, they normally come in the form of checks as the premove will most likely be cancelled because the king is in danger.


JijoAttumalilJose wrote:
RainingPawns28 wrote:
RussianDeflector wrote:

What is flagging? I am not sure I understand.

Flagging is when you purposefully make moves to run your opponent’s clock down. It is very common in online bullet or blitz chess, especially games with no increment. There are many forms of flagging. Most of them occurs when a person’s opponent is low on time, e.g. only five seconds left on the clock. The person may attempt to flag him opponent by, let’s say, running his king in circles. However, due to premoves requiring only 0.1 seconds, they normally come in the form of checks as the premove will most likely be cancelled because the king is in danger.

Well if you lose ~0.5s/move.. after move 100 you literally lose 50s and even with +1 increment you might say is faire enough but it's not cuz your enemy has ~50s time to think while you only have ~2s.. now if you think that's enough to force -M8.. well gl & hf. ))

I mean its a natural way of online chess. You may find a few people who get angry but remember “they’d do it to u if they could”

I rarely flag opponents. If it appears that they have issues with the platform, or have a mouse slip error, or the game is an actual draw, I'll offer a draw. Sometimes ,if someone makes a losing move early in a game, or a losing move in a game that was well played, I'll also offer a draw. I'm here to play chess, and hopefully games that are well-played, not collect meaningless points.


I think flagging is fine you just need good time management early in the game


A genuine flagging is due to either simple time pressure, mouse slipping etc if playing quickplay time controls ....HOWEVER THERE ARE CERTAIN POOR SPORTSMAN IN THE LONGER TIME CONTROLS!? These are the area's where the site could take a stand ie, 1-5 days per move where your opponents have plenty of time in a totally lost position to do the right thing and resign honourably but instead choose to let there time run out, these are the low end respectable?!!


Play with increment.