do you like my blog?
Is it chance to get a lot of views on your blog?
Lol you have 2× more views than me!
really!? i only have like 10-20 views on each post...
do you like my blog?
It's cool
thanks! means a lot to me!
You only played two games right?
yup that would be correct
I created a blog and without advertising, I got more than 100 views. That is because I am a long day member and I have created many friend along the way. Also won't show your blogs to others unless they viewed your blogs. So you won't get views unless you get top blogger or a lot of friends
I created a blog and without advertising, I got more than 100 views. That is because I am a long day member and I have created many friend along the way. Also won't show your blogs to others unless they viewed your blogs. So you won't get views unless you get top blogger or a lot of friends
ye rn imma tryna get somor friends
Do people just randomly click on blogs that catch their interest? I'm trying to get more views on my blog but can't find out a way how to do so...any comments help!
my blog:
feedback is much welcomed!