
I'm addicted to blunders


I'm afraid of failure and afraid of wrong moves. And that makes me panic and play worse. I know it's silly to get anxiety over chess, but it's just something I do. Chess is one of my favorite hobbies and I want to improve, but I feel like I have hit a brick wall recently. Within the past couple months, I have climbed in rating, but once again I feel like I've stopped improving. 

Try doing some puzzles maybe that will help
And it’s only a game so don’t worry

Create a habit of scanning the board after selecting a move to catch blunders before you make them. This will help reduce impulsive errors.


That's not good bro


Being anxious about chess is not silly. And you're not alone. At your rating, learning basic patterns and solving puzzles is very beneficial. To improve, you have to have slightly more knowledge than people you're rating. Pressing game review for you're loses and even victories can help. But some people don't have memberships. Dear reader, I don't know if you have a membership or not, you're rating or anything about you. I hope you improve and upper you're rating. Trust me, maybe 900 is a good rapid goal. You have big K factors and get like 60 points a win. That's like, 4 wins? Or, your goal can be to win 5 more games than you lose. That will get you very good points.


I'm a magnet for blunders.

  • Take your time. Play longer games.
  • Checks, Captures, Attacks and Threats. Do this for EVERY move.
  • Play unrated games. Maybe the anxiety is about losing Elo and not about losing a game.
  • Play bots. There is no time limit. It's unrated. You can even take moves back.
  • Tactics. You don't even need to play a full game. Tactics can help you reconice patterns and slowly improve to spot them in your games.
  • Game Review. Review your games move by moves to see where you made mistakes and what you should have done.