
If you play the worst possible moves, are you guaranteed to lose?


It is almost impossible to lose to Stockfish's stupid little brother which is WorstFish happy.png


Also it is the dumbest bot and it will lose to every other bot happy.png

orichaalcos wrote:

No, you can't lose if your opponent doesn't actively move pieces to checkmate you.

Umm, maybe you can try to let WorstFish to just take all of your pieces and just simply stay at the corner (it may be a draw of WorstFish will win)


Yes human can still lose by worstfish. Worstfish is just a troll program is not the worst possible chess engine, not even close. One of the coolest way to lose is to take all his piece Exept one pawn, and later forced him to mate you.

One other cool challenge, but not really lose at the end, was trying to give worstfish the biggest material advantage, but even then, is hard to forced win you.

Maybe if try Lc0 something similar was much better challenge.


Well... sorry to prove you all of you in this Forum is wrong except @Kyobir, there is a bot known as Worstfish which makes the worst moves using stockfish 16, and also, remember that since worstfish is a machine it won't time out because it is a machine and can play superfast. And also, do you want to know how it plays the best move? Well, it hacks into stockfishes code by using GitHub to see the code. It looks into stockfishes code and reverse the code with it's program and since it have reversed stockfishes code, it can find out the worst moves. And you won't believe me, but the WorstFish does all this in a matter of seconds!


Well, not only @Kyobir but also @chessdude0195 and @kontoleon.


No your opponent can force you to checkmate them by making it the only legal move


Well... sorry to prove you all of you in this Forum is wrong except @Kyobir [...]

yay I'm right!


Not guaranteed at all. If opponent doesn't attempt to win it will be a draw. It's really hard to force your opponent to checkmate you if they don't want to


How to play against worstfish


There's a reason giveaway chess has mandatory captures...


Worstfish could honestly be a lot worse if it did play the single worst move but rather open up its position to force you to capture its pieces


for example playing e4 and then Qa5 and then Qxc7 to force you to take it


worstfish is kinda easy to lose to since its assumption is that you are trying to win but theres also another worstfish that assumes that ur trying to lose. also the one that assumes u are trying to lose does some very NASTY mating nets. Basicly it forces your king into a position where it shoulders your king and then it sacrifices and its easy to lose to the one that ussumes ur trying to win also getting an early advantage is actually usefull cus ur the one creating mating nets


No, because your opponent might play even worse moves, lol.

Besides, you never know what the very worst move in a position is.

Frodo22 wrote:

*Determined by an engine (like Stockfish), the legal move with the greatest centipawn loss, would you certainly lose or draw that game (and assuming the other player doesn't resign)? Just curious.

No, I tried to lose against worstfish once. It ended in a draw of repetition. To make a draw I just make the king trapped and then check directly beside the king using pieces like bishop, queen, rook. In that way the king is forced to take it. Then it will become harder to win for me. If I want to promote, I promote to knight so that it will still be hard to win


The worstfish bot I played description says:

Uses Stockfish 14 to play the worst moves possible.

Larsarnav wrote:

How to play against worstfish

Just type "worstfish" in google and the bot will appear on top. Just click it and send a challenge to it