
I Need Your Opinion!


Hey everyone, as you may know, I make chess blogs. As the reader, would you prefer:

- Me putting my own comments in my game
- Me not putting comments but put conclusion of the game below the game

Please give your opinion, I would really appreciate it. If you have an opinion which is not an option here, feel free to tell it because I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!



You are rated 1202.
What is the purpose of your chess blog?
What kind of reader do you expect to read it?
Are those games of yourself?
What would be the interest of the reader to look at those games / comments / conclusion?





You mean do conclusion?

tygxc wrote:


You are rated 1202.
What is the purpose of your chess blog?
What kind of reader do you expect to read it?
Are those games of yourself?
What would be the interest of the reader to look at those games / comments / conclusion?

Yes, I'm rated 1202. I make chess blogs because I enjoy doing it. I don't mind what type of reader reads my blog and the interest of the reader? Maybe he will learn something from the games, comments and conclusion.


I don't know how to give advice over the matter, but i can advise u to also take into account your opinion too and what feels right happy.png



"I make chess blogs because I enjoy doing it." ++ OK

"I don't mind what type of reader reads my blog" ++ OK, but why do you then mind if you put your comments in the game or the conclusion below?

"Maybe he will learn something from the games, comments and conclusion"
++ Maybe if he is rated much lower than 1202.
Even then he may learn more from an annotated grandmaster game.


Yes do conclusion

POWERqueens1 wrote:

I don't know how to give advice over the matter, but i can advise u to also take into account your opinion too and what feels right

Ok thanks for your advice happy.png


Yes do conclusion

Ok thanks for your opinion happy.png

tygxc wrote:


"I make chess blogs because I enjoy doing it." ++ OK

"I don't mind what type of reader reads my blog" ++ OK, but why do you then mind if you put your comments in the game or the conclusion below? Because I want my readers have good time reading my blog I know I do it for fun but anything I do I do it properly.

"Maybe he will learn something from the games, comments and conclusion"
++ Maybe if he is rated much lower than 1202.
Even then he may learn more from an annotated grandmaster game.
Ok I don't mind that I know I'm lower rated but who knows maybe people will learn from my mistakes.

Ok so what you trying to tell me?

tygxc wrote:


You are rated 1202.
What is the purpose of your chess blog?
What kind of reader do you expect to read it?
Are those games of yourself?
What would be the interest of the reader to look at those games / comments / conclusion?

I read them as I find it interesting to see the thought processus of differemt people

tygxc wrote:


You are rated 1202.
What is the purpose of your chess blog?
What kind of reader do you expect to read it?
Are those games of yourself?
What would be the interest of the reader to look at those games / comments / conclusion?

If you don't want to read his blog, don't read it, but don't come on here with your toxic negativity. Live and let live. I don't see a title next to your name, rating snob. How good can YOU be?


You could do both—keep some brief, insightful comments during key moments of the game and then have a more detailed conclusion at the end.





"If you don't want to read his blog, don't read it" ++ I will not read it, but he needs opinions.

"toxic negativity" ++ Not at all.

"Live and let live" ++ Sure

"I don't see a title" ++ In my time CM did not yet exist.

"How good can YOU be?" ++ Not good enough to write a blog worth reading.
Not good enough to publish comments to my games.

Agent_Jay_Walker wrote:
tygxc wrote:

... Ok I don't mind that I know I'm lower rated but who knows maybe people will learn from my mistakes.

Ok so what you trying to tell me?

Or more positively

bobby_max wrote:
tygxc wrote:


You are rated 1202.
What is the purpose of your chess blog?
What kind of reader do you expect to read it?
Are those games of yourself?
What would be the interest of the reader to look at those games / comments / conclusion?

If you don't want to read his blog, don't read it, but don't come on here with your toxic negativity. Live and let live. I don't see a title next to your name, rating snob. How good can YOU be?

Looks like we can't handle the @tygxc


I love this argument came from nowhere


Thank you everyone for your opinions, I really appreciate it happy.png I guess I need to make comments and conclusion happy.png