
I need a chess advice...


Hye Friends,

I am a 14 years old schoolboy. I have been playing pirc defence as black pieces for almost a full year. Earlier when I was about 1600 elo I got great results from it. But now at 1900-2000 level I couldn't make most of my games with it. I have a whole 400 pages opening book on it but the problem is that I don't have enough time to explore all lines of it, as there is also schoolwork. In my recent FIDE tournaments' stats, from white pieces, I won 15, drew 4 and lost 3 games. Whereas from black pieces I won 7 drew 4 and lost 12 games. Should I continue playing pirc defence, or should I learn a new opening? I have to prepare fast, because my under 15 tournament is also coming in a few weeks. Please help me.


My FIDE Rating is 1495


I don't know if this is enough information to tell, but if you don't have the time to invest in your current opening, you might not have the time to learn a new one from scratch. Do you think you have a competitive position in the mid game, or do you regularly find yourself in a weak position against your opponents? Can you make and execute plans against the common White moves you see?

As black try the French Defense against 1.e4. Tried and true, well developed theory, and has worked well for me.

If you're feeling overwhelmed with the amount of theory required for the Pirc, you might consider switching to a more solid and classical opening that is easier to play and prepare for quickly.


Regarding openings, you have got a wonderfull tool I did not have when I learned and studied chess with the aim of improving my results and ratings in official competitions.

That tool, is that you can play Rapid or Blitz games every days, half of these with Black, and half of these games with Black, vs King Pawn opening.

So, let's say you play 10 games a day, it'll be then 2 or 3 Pirc Defenses, you have got the opportunity to compare with what engine says and propose about the variations you try, or work on.

That's 60-90 games a month, then 720-1080 games where you played Pirc in a year.

Figure out that, back in the days, if working or going to school, you got lucky if you played a hundred (50 classical and 50 Rapid) games in a whole year, with no engine, no Internet to help the analyze of about 25 Black games vs King Pawn.

So, here you are. Take what you have got, and set up a work/study plan out of it. Or don't. But you won't get any magical tip to help you out on that one.


I would recommend staying with the opening that you are most familiar with.

your results with black may not be as good as they used to be because you are now rated higher and so are playing stronger opponents.



"I am a 14 years old schoolboy." ++ OK

"I have been playing pirc defence as black pieces for almost a full year" ++ OK

"now at 1900-2000 level I couldn't make most of my games with it"
++ Do not blame your losses on the opening.
You do not win or lose because of the opening, but because of tactical mistakes.
Fischer and Korchnoi played the Pirc Defense in World Championship Matches.
Analyse your lost games and learn from your mistakes.

"I have a whole 400 pages opening book" ++ Does not matter.

"I don't have enough time to explore all lines of it"
++ You do not need to, you need to think when you play.

"from white pieces, I won 15, drew 4 and lost 3 games"
++ That means you played weaker opponents.

"from black pieces I won 7 drew 4 and lost 12 games"
++ That means you played stronger opponents. Not all 23 games started with 1 e4, so several of your losses would have started with 1 d4, 1 c4, or 1 Nf3 instead.

"Should I continue playing pirc defence" ++ Yes

"should I learn a new opening?" ++ No. Each time you switch openings you lose more.
It takes time and losses to accumulate experience.

"I have to prepare fast, because my under 15 tournament is also coming in a few weeks."
++ Do not prepare openings for a tournament. Do outdoor physical exercise to boost your stamina. Play a few practice games of the same time control against a strong engine.

ItΒ΄s very unlikely that you can succesfully learn new opening in few weeks. Play what you know. Hopefully you analyze your losses and remember you mistakes.

The most common problem I face in this setup is g4 h4 pawn expansion, which sometimes rip open my kingside.


And really thank you everyone for advising me... It will help!



You have to defend carefully. Here is a correspondence game.